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Chetan Gupta
Chetan Gupta

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Airflow vs. Dagster: Orchestration Story for your Data Platform

Airflow vs. Dagster: Choosing the Right Orchestration Tool for Your Data Platform

In the modern data-driven landscape, orchestration tools are essential for managing complex workflows, enabling smooth ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and ensuring data pipeline reliability. Apache Airflow and Dagster are two popular choices for orchestrating data workflows, but they serve different purposes and follow different philosophies. Choosing the right tool for your data platform is critical for ensuring scalability, observability, and efficiency. This blog will explore the key differences between Airflow and Dagster, focusing on their features, design approaches, and use cases to help you determine which is the best fit for your data platform.

Overview of Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow, created by Airbnb in 2014, is a robust open-source platform used to programmatically create, schedule, and monitor workflows. Airflow allows users to define Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) in Python, which represent tasks and their dependencies.

Key Features of Airflow:

  1. Task-Centric Orchestration: Airflow is focused on the orchestration of individual tasks (e.g., data extraction, transformation, and loading).
  2. Rich Ecosystem of Operators: Airflow offers a wide range of pre-built operators for interacting with cloud providers (AWS, GCP), databases, file systems, and more.
  3. Scheduling and Monitoring: Airflow provides robust scheduling with cron-like syntax and a powerful web-based UI for monitoring workflows and visualizing DAGs.
  4. Scalability: Airflow can scale horizontally by deploying on Kubernetes or using Celery workers for distributed task execution.

Overview of Dagster

Dagster, introduced by Elementl, is a more recent orchestration tool that focuses on data-aware workflows. It provides better insight into data flows within a pipeline and integrates well with modern data platforms that prioritize observability, modularity, and data quality.

Key Features of Dagster:

  1. Data-Centric Orchestration: Dagster focuses on the flow of data between tasks (or solids), treating data as a first-class citizen.
  2. Modularity and Reusability: Workflows in Dagster are built using modular and reusable components called solids and pipelines, making it easier to maintain and scale.
  3. Data Observability: Dagster tracks metadata, inputs, and outputs for each task, offering detailed insights into the state of data throughout the workflow.
  4. Integrated Testing: Dagster supports comprehensive unit testing of pipeline components and offers features like environment configurations to allow for easy pipeline development, testing, and production deployment.

Comparison of Airflow and Dagster

1. Philosophy and Approach

  • Airflow: Airflow is task-centric, focusing on scheduling and running independent tasks within a DAG. While it can handle ETL processes, it does not have built-in awareness of the data flowing between tasks.

  • Dagster: Dagster takes a data-centric approach, treating workflows as data pipelines. It keeps track of the transformations and data flow between the steps (solids) and provides more visibility into the state and lineage of data assets.

2. Defining Workflows

  • Airflow: Workflows are defined as DAGs in Python, and each task is treated as a node in the graph. Each task is responsible for a specific function (e.g., extracting data, running a SQL query), and dependencies between tasks are defined within the DAG.

Example Airflow DAG:

  from airflow import DAG
  from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
  from datetime import datetime

  def extract():
      return 'Extracting data...'

  def transform():
      return 'Transforming data...'

  def load():
      return 'Loading data...'

  dag = DAG('etl_dag', start_date=datetime(2024, 1, 1))

  extract_task = PythonOperator(task_id='extract', python_callable=extract, dag=dag)
  transform_task = PythonOperator(task_id='transform', python_callable=transform, dag=dag)
  load_task = PythonOperator(task_id='load', python_callable=load, dag=dag)

  extract_task >> transform_task >> load_task
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  • Dagster: Workflows in Dagster are defined as solids and pipelines. Solids represent tasks that perform a function, but more importantly, they manage inputs and outputs, allowing you to model the data flow between steps explicitly.

Example Dagster Solid and Pipeline:

  from dagster import solid, pipeline

  def extract(context):
      return 'Extracting data...'

  def transform(context, extracted_data):
      return f"Transforming {extracted_data}"

  def load(context, transformed_data):"Loading {transformed_data}")

  def etl_pipeline():
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3. Data Awareness and Observability

  • Airflow: Airflow is agnostic to the data being passed between tasks. It focuses on task scheduling and execution, leaving the responsibility of data handling and logging to the user. For example, if you want to track the data flow between tasks, you need to implement it manually.

  • Dagster: Dagster provides built-in observability and metadata tracking for the data moving between tasks. This makes it easier to debug pipelines, track errors, and understand the lineage and transformations of data over time. For complex data pipelines, this feature ensures better control and monitoring of the entire workflow.

4. Error Handling and Debugging

  • Airflow: Airflow provides basic error handling mechanisms such as retries, timeouts, and alerts, but it does not track data issues or provide in-depth insights into the data being processed by tasks. Debugging data-related issues might involve reviewing task logs and manually identifying where problems occurred.

  • Dagster: In Dagster, error handling extends to data errors as well. Since the platform is aware of the inputs and outputs for each solid, it provides better debugging capabilities, including rich logs, detailed insights into data flows, and the ability to track where data went wrong.

5. Extensibility and Ecosystem

  • Airflow: Airflow has a large ecosystem with a wide array of operators and plugins for cloud services, databases, and other integrations. This makes it a flexible tool for orchestrating not just ETL workflows but also DevOps tasks and other automation scenarios.

  • Dagster: Dagster’s ecosystem is growing, with support for major data platforms and cloud services (e.g., AWS, GCP, Databricks). However, it focuses more on data-centric workflows and excels in environments where data transformations, lineage tracking, and modularity are important.

6. Versioning and Testing

  • Airflow: Airflow lacks built-in versioning for data pipelines, and testing Airflow DAGs can be cumbersome. It is up to the user to version control DAGs and implement proper testing.

  • Dagster: Dagster offers built-in versioning of both pipelines and the data assets they produce. It also provides a robust testing framework that allows for unit testing of solids, pipelines, and configuration. This makes it easier to ensure data quality and reproducibility, especially in complex data environments.

7. Scheduling and Execution

  • Airflow: Airflow offers a powerful cron-based scheduling system and can handle complex dependencies between tasks. It excels in scheduling recurring tasks like nightly ETL jobs or periodic data processing.

  • Dagster: Dagster also supports cron-based scheduling but is designed to handle both scheduled and event-driven pipelines. For modern data platforms where triggers and event-based workflows are common, Dagster offers more flexibility.

8. Community and Adoption

  • Airflow: As an Apache project, Airflow has a large and mature community with widespread adoption across industries, including companies like Airbnb, Lyft, and others. The size of the community means better support, a wide range of resources, and extensive documentation.

  • Dagster: Although newer, Dagster is rapidly growing in popularity, especially within data engineering and data science communities. Its data-centric approach and strong developer tooling have made it an attractive choice for companies looking to modernize their data platforms.

Use Case Considerations for a Data Platform

When to Use Airflow:

  • If you need a general-purpose orchestrator that handles a wide range of tasks beyond data pipelines (e.g., DevOps workflows, machine learning model training).
  • When you require a large ecosystem of pre-built operators and want flexibility in interacting with a variety of external systems.
  • For traditional ETL workflows where the focus is primarily on task execution rather than data flow.

When to Use Dagster:

  • If your platform is data-centric and you require better observability of the data flowing between tasks.
  • For workflows that involve data transformations, data lineage, and require detailed tracking of inputs and outputs at each step.
  • When you need a tool that supports modular, reusable components and has strong testing capabilities for ensuring data quality.
  • If your platform needs event-driven workflows alongside scheduled jobs.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Data Platform

Choosing between Airflow and Dagster comes down to the specific needs of your data platform. If you

Choosing between Apache Airflow and Dagster depends heavily on your specific data platform needs and the complexity of your data workflows.


  • Airflow is a task-centric, widely adopted orchestration tool that's excellent for handling a variety of workflows, including traditional ETL pipelines, DevOps processes, and scheduled jobs. Its large ecosystem and support community make it a strong choice for companies needing a general-purpose orchestrator. If your platform relies heavily on scheduled workflows and task execution with limited data flow complexity, Airflow is an excellent choice.

  • Dagster, on the other hand, is a more data-centric orchestrator, which is ideal for modern data platforms that require deep visibility into data flows, transformations, and dependencies. It excels in data-aware workflows, providing powerful observability features, robust testing, and versioning. Dagster is a better fit if your data platform prioritizes data quality, lineage tracking, and modularity in data pipelines.

Detailed Comparison of Key Features:

Feature Airflow Dagster
Orchestration Style Task-centric, focusing on task scheduling and execution Data-centric, focusing on data flow and transformations
Use Case General-purpose orchestration (ETL, DevOps) Data pipelines with an emphasis on data flow and quality
Modularity Limited modularity, tasks defined per DAG Highly modular with reusable solids and pipelines
Observability Task logs, simple monitoring tools Data observability with metadata tracking, lineage, and insights
Scheduling Cron-based scheduling Cron-based and event-driven scheduling
Community Large, mature community with vast adoption Growing, strong adoption in data engineering and analytics
Versioning & Testing No built-in versioning, limited testing Built-in versioning, strong support for unit testing of pipelines

Which Tool Is Best for Your Data Platform?

  • If your data platform is task-driven, Airflow may be a better fit, especially if your team needs flexibility in handling a variety of workflows outside of data engineering.
  • If your platform is focused on data workflows and requires features like data lineage tracking, modular pipeline design, and integrated testing, Dagster offers more advantages for modern data platforms.

Final Thought:

For data platforms focusing on modern data architectures, especially where data transformation, quality, and lineage are key, Dagster provides a fresh, powerful approach. However, for a well-established, more generalized orchestrator with a large ecosystem and proven scalability, Airflow remains a solid, industry-standard choice.

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