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Discussion on: Coming back to Blogging

cguttweb profile image

This is me 100%...

One example is I started learning Vue was curious about the vue-cli so learnt a bit about that then I wanted to know when was going on under the hood so I went off a tangent for a few days learning all about webpack... I can wholeheartedly relate.

Agree about Xdaysofcode challenges never really attempted them as I know I would likely struggle to stick to them it's something I am considering maybe one day.

ryandotfurrer profile image
Ryan Furrer

Ohhh I totally understand going off on a tangent, it's the worst! I'm not at place where I can afford to do that but I can't help my curiosity sometimes.

I've started and stopped Xdaysofcode twice now. I know that you're not actually expected to do it EVERY day, however, I view it as a failure if I have more than 2 days in a row without coding. It's something I WANT to succeed in doing.

I wish you the best of luck staying focused! I feel like I'm forever trying to learn JS and React because I keep getting distracted or going off on a tangent.