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Cesare Ferrari
Cesare Ferrari

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React component redirection

How to redirect to a different component after submitting a form in React

We have seen how easy it is to add new items to a remote collection in React using the Axios library.
Axios makes a post request to the remote API and passes in the new item we have created with our New Item form.

The API call is done in the background and we need a way to give feedback to the user that the new item has been added correctly.
We have decided that a good way to do this is to redirect to the page that lists all the items, including the new item we have just created.

This means we need a redirection to the ItemList component.

Page redirection

We normally redirect to a component by setting up a Route and set the path prop to the URL that displays the corresponding component.
We use the history object of Route to programmatically add the path to the history array, so the browser redirects automatically to it.

In our case, though, the function that adds the new item is defined in App.js.
While the App component does import React router and defines routes for its children components, it's not itself wrapped inside a Route, so it doesn't have access to properties defined on Route, like match, location, and history.
We need to find a way to wrap App inside a Route.

React router gives us a way via a higher order component called withRouter.
If you remember from a previous article, higher order components, or HOC, take a component as an argument, add some extra functionality to it, and return the modified component.

withRouter does this exact thing by wrapping a component inside a Route.
To use withRouter we need to first import it inside our file:

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

Now that withRouter is available, we can use it to wrap App inside of it.
At the bottom of the file, below the definition of App, we create a new variable called AppWithRouter and we assign withRouter to it, passing App as an argument in this way:

const AppWithRouter = withRouter(App);

Finally, at the end of the file, instead of exporting App as the default exported object, we export AppWithRouter instead:

export default AppWithRouter;

Now our App component has access to the history object and we can use it inside the addItem function to redirect to the list of items when the new item has been added to the collection by adding this code:


Here's the complete addItem function, with the redirect:

addItem = item => {"http://localhost:3333/items", item)
    .then(res => {
    .catch(err => console.log(err));

In summary:

  • We have seen how to add a new item to a remote collection by using Axios

  • We have seen how to wrap the App component inside a Route, so the component has access to methods like match, history and location that facilitate navigation

We have created a redirect in our application after a form is submitted successfully.

Previous articles in this series are here:

  1. Add a new item to a collection with Axios

  2. Handling input field updates in React

  3. Adding an item to a remote collection in React

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Top comments (1)

monicat profile image
Monica Macomber

Oh interesting I didn't know about withRouter, good to know that's there!