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Celestina Odili
Celestina Odili

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Web Site Deployment with ARM Templates and Azure CLI.

Table of Contents
Step 1: Prerequisite
Step 2: Push your website to remote repository (GitHub)
Step 3: Sign in to Azure
Step 4: Prepare your ARM template files
Step 5: Deploy the ARM Template
Step 6: Host the Website to the App Service
Step 7: Browse the Deployed Website
Step 8: Clean Up Resources (Optional)


Using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and Azure CLI (Command Line Interface) for deploying resources in Azure offers several benefits:

Benefits of Using ARM Templates

  1. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

    • ARM templates allow you to define your entire infrastructure in a declarative JSON format, enabling you to automate deployment and configuration of resources.
    • Ensures consistent deployments, reducing human errors compared to manual configuration.
  2. Repeatability

    • Templates can be reused to deploy the same resources in different environments (e.g., dev, test, prod), ensuring consistency across all environments.
  3. Scalability and Orchestration

    • ARM templates can deploy complex workloads, including dependencies between resources, making them ideal for orchestrating multi-tier deployments.
  4. Version Control

    • Since ARM templates are written in JSON, they can be versioned, tracked, and audited in source control systems like Git, allowing for change management and rollback.
  5. Parameterization

    • ARM templates support parameters, enabling dynamic input like resource names, sizes, and locations, which allows flexibility without needing multiple templates.
  6. Dependency Management

    • You can define dependencies between resources in an ARM template, ensuring that resources are deployed in the correct order.
  7. Built-in Validation

    • ARM templates allow you to validate deployments before applying them, ensuring that your configuration is correct and complete.
  8. Cost Estimation

    • With ARM templates, you can estimate the cost of the resources being deployed, helping you to plan your budget and optimize resource usage.

Benefits of Using Azure CLI

  1. Simplicity and Speed

    • Azure CLI offers a command-line interface that’s easy to learn and quick to execute, making it ideal for developers and engineers comfortable with scripting.
  2. Automation

    • Azure CLI can be used to automate deployment, configuration, scaling, and management of Azure resources through scripts (e.g., bash, PowerShell), helping to streamline repetitive tasks.
  3. Cross-Platform

    • Azure CLI is cross-platform, running on Windows, macOS, and Linux, offering flexibility for developers working across different operating systems.
  4. Scriptability

    • You can write scripts to handle complex deployment scenarios, such as looping over resource creation or conditional logic based on input parameters.
  5. Interactive and Ad-hoc Commands

    • Azure CLI can be used interactively for quick, ad-hoc tasks or combined with scripts for larger automation scenarios.
  6. Integration with DevOps Pipelines

    • Azure CLI can be easily integrated into CI/CD pipelines (e.g., Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions), allowing automated deployments and testing in a DevOps workflow.
  7. Flexibility in Resource Management

    • CLI commands provide flexibility in managing resources on the go (create, update, scale, delete), and allow users to execute tasks not easily done in the portal.

Using Both ARM Templates and Azure CLI together offer a robust benefit from both.

  • Use ARM templates for consistent, declarative deployments.
  • Use Azure CLI to invoke and manage those templates programmatically in scripts or automation workflows.

This blog will guide you through creating the necessary resources (Resource Group, App Service Plan, and Web App), deploying a website, and using an ARM template and Azure CLI for deployment.

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Step 1: Prerequisite

  • Azure account If you do not have one yet, click here to sign up for a free account
  • Azure CLI If you haven't already installed the Azure CLI, you can install it from here.
  • Visual studio code with Azure CLI tools extension installed
  • GitHub account. Sign up here if you do not have one yet.
  • website application. Create a website if you have coding skills or search for free web app online and download. You can see Theme wagon for example.

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Step 2: Push your website to remote repository (GitHub)

  • Create a repository in Github

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  • Open your website application code on visual studio code
    • On terminal tab, switch to git bash

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Run the following command to push your website to GitHub

  • Initialize your repository. Run the following command
git init
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  • Create a connection to your Repository
git remote add origin URL
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replace URL with your repository URL copied from GitHub.

  • Add all your files
git add .
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  • Commit to save
git commit -m"initial commit"
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  • Push to the remote repository
git push origin master
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  • Files will be visible in your GitHub repo upon a successful push.

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To learn more about how to create a repository and push file to it click here

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Step 3: Sign in to Azure

  • On the terminal, sign in to your Azure account:
az login
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  • When prompted, choose your account type and continue.

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  • Provide your account details to sign in

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  • Upon successful sign in, your subscription will be listed typical in json, yaml or table form.

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Step 4: Prepare your ARM template files

  • Create a new folder

Manually create a new folder in same directory as your website and create json files for your deployment. Alternatively, use Linux command to move out of the website folder, make a new folder for the ARM template and create json files. Here we will go with the later,

  • Move a step back
cd ..
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  • Create a new folder furniture-ARM-Template
mkdir furniture-ARM-Template 
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  • Move into the new folder
cd furniture-ARM-Template
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  • Create json files (template.json and parameter.json)for your ARM Template. Use any name of your choice but remember to stick to lower case to avoid unnecessary errors while deploying resources.
touch template.json
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nano template.json
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put the following command in the file

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "resources": [
        "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms",
        "apiVersion": "2021-01-15",
        "name": "[parameters('appServicePlanName')]",
        "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
        "sku": {
          "name": "F1",
          "tier": "Free",
          "size": "F1",
          "family": "F",
          "capacity": 1
        "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
        "apiVersion": "2021-01-15",
        "name": "[parameters('webAppName')]",
        "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
        "properties": {
          "serverFarmId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', parameters('appServicePlanName'))]",
          "siteConfig": {
            "appSettings": [
                "name": "SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT",
                "value": "true"
    "parameters": {
      "appServicePlanName": {
        "type": "string"
      "webAppName": {
        "type": "string"
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touch parameter.json
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nano parameter.json
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Put the following command into the file

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "appServicePlanName": {
      "value": "furnitureAppPlan87"
    "webAppName": {
      "value": "interiorfurnitureWebApp9040"

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Replace furnitureAppPlan87 and interiorfurnitureWebApp9040 with a unique name of your choice for your app service plan and web app respectively.

  • Open the Folder furniture-ARM-Template to confirm your saved files

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Step 5: Deploy the ARM Template

  • Create a Resource Group using Azure CLI Use the format to create a resource group.
az group create --name ResourceGroupName --location ResourceGroupLocation
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Replace the ResourceGroupName with any name of your choice ResourceGroupLocation with any azure location of your choice.


az group create --name furnitureRG --location westeurope
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  • Deploy the ARM Template to create App Service Plan and webapp
az deployment group create --resource-group furnitureRG --template-file template.json --parameters parameter.json
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Step 6: Host the Website to the App Service

  • Go to your website repository on
  • Navigate to code and copy the url provided or from the address bar.

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  • Configure the webapp deployment source.

In the following command, Replace interiorfurnitureWebApp9040 with your web app name, furnitureRG with resource group name and with your url.

az webapp deployment source config --name interiorfurnitureWebApp9040 --resource-group furnitureRG  --repo-url --branch master --manual-integration
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  • Run the command in your terminal.

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Step 7: Browse the Deployed Website

After the deployment is complete

  • Go to Azure portal

  • Copy the default domain url

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  • Paste the url on a browser to visit the website.
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This will show a furniture e-commerce website.

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Step 8: Clean Up Resources (Optional)

If you are practicing, it is always good to delete resources after practice to avoid incurring charges on your account. You may want to leave this because it is a free tier but if you want to delete, you can do so with the following command:

az group delete --name furnitureRG --yes --no-wait
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Replace furnitureRG with the name of your resource group. This will remove the resource group and all associated resources.

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