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Browser recommendation, or Why you should move to Vivaldi

Cécile Lebleu on May 03, 2019

Most of us are guilty of this. We keep too many tabs open. It gets difficult to find which one we were looking for, and the machine can get slow or...
anwar_nairi profile image
Anwar • Edited

I think if Vivaldi is figuring out syncing, I might give it a try. Syncing for me is very important because I like to retrieve my history on my personal computer (sometimes I will take a break and will find some good stuff on Dribble so I can bookmark them and work on my personal project at home).

For me, at the moment Chrome is my go to browser because it has so much great tools for my daily job (web developper).

  • Lighthouse: I use it a lot, it saves me some precious time fixing easy SEO and performance issues.
  • Code inspector: Also very important for me, their feature of highlighting the visual part of the page as I hover over the CSS properties panel is so much useful, a real time savior.
  • Application panel: To be able to turn on/off my service workers, check what is in my local storage,... Very important also because I use more and more of these tools on my newest web project.
  • Device simulator: Great with their pre-configured real devices (iPad, Samsung S5, ...). They really know what is a good developer experience.
  • Feature support: Chrome just ships new APIs, features, faster than the others. I mean for the ones that matter for me (Firefox still not support <meta name="theme_color" />!), Webp support (Firefox did not until this 2019 January, ...).

Actually, I think my job would be worse without Chrome so personally and for my job, it is part of my dev toolbelt right now. But honestly Vivaldi my might be cool because one thing Chrome did not manage very well is memory consumption when a lot of tabs are open.

Thank you for sharing!

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

Syncing is fully integrated (I just forgot to mention it). You create an account and decide what you want to sync, and of course, it's encrypted, with your login credentials or with a separate password.

As Vivaldi runs on Chromium, pretty much all the tools available on Chrome are also available in Vivaldi, including all the extensions.

  • I didn't know about Lighthouse, but I just checked, and using DevTools > Audits, I find that it is available. I don't know if it works exactly the same as I have never used it, but Lighthouse is there

  • Code inspector: It's built in into the DevTools. You can also toggle "Highlight Hover" from the bottom toolbar (from the screenshot in the original post) and get an edge with shadow over any element you're hovering on.

  • Application panel: Again, haven't used it, but it seems to be there as well in the DevTools.

  • Device simulator: You got it! It's included too out of the box.

  • Feature support: I'm not sure how this works exactly. I would say it's available at the same time, because Chromium, but I can't say for sure. I'm not usually up to date with the latest features, so I couldn't say.

I used Chrome for years before moving I had the urge to try out other browsers. I moved to Firefox for a year, then Opera for another, and now Vivaldi. I don't think I'll be moving anytime soon, it's just got the best of all worlds :)

Thanks for commenting!

zakius profile image

Vivaldi is barely crawling on the way to becoming THE browser and due to usage of crippled Chromium Extensions API you can't do much to improve it
You should move to Waterfox: it does what Mozilla deemed impossible by providing you security updates while still allowing you to use your extensions and will do as long as possible, additionally next gen will bring improvements from Quantum while still allowing powerful extensions to exist (unfortunately some won't work without modifications, but in mainstream Firefox none of them are possible to recreate at all)

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

Very interesting! Downloading... I will definitely try it out. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I love Brave, which is an excellent, privacy-centric Chromium-based browser. Vivaldi is gorgeous, though.

The looks that people from support chats may give you. It's untold, but it's there. "Have you tried using Chrome?" or "It works on Chrome", as if the issue was related to the browser (it isn't, I already checked, no I don't have to check again, ugh ok I checked again and it's not working, see?). But this has more to do with being a woman requesting help, particularly being blonde.

It can't be just because you're a woman. I get this every stupid time. I finally just started telling them I'm using Chrome (and claiming I cleared cookies when I'm really just in private browsing mode). After all, technically, Brave and Vivaldi are both Chromium-based, so for all technical purposes, they're Chrome.

In my experience, most tech support cannot comprehend the idea of "Chromium-based" anyway, although that's not really their fault. Based on conversations with a few very close friends who have worked extensively in call centers, most phone tech support jobs are at the lower end of unskilled labor. If you have functional vocal cords, you're basically hired. Becoming a receptionist is a major career upgrade.

So, long story short, when you're on the phone with tech support for anything connected with the web, make it easy on the suffering person on the other end and just tell them it's Chrome, even if it isn't. Their mandatory script is a poor substitute for the training they'll never receive.

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

That's usually what I do. I try to be as nice as I possibly can (generally with everyone — but especially with support people) because I know so many people who work in customer support / tech support. Where I come from, and in many other developing countries, it's regarded as a pretty good career in general, and it can actually provide an above-standard lifestyle. Most people who know more than one language will go for a career in call centers.

But back to browsers; well I'm still very happy using Vivaldi and keeping a close eye on updates and new features. I tried Brave for a while a few months ago, but eventually came back to Vivaldi, it's just become part of my workflow very deeply. It's like an IDE, it's not so easy to change. I recently moved from Atom to VSCode for performance, and it was a major change in lifestyle (haha!)

leoat12 profile image
Leonardo Teteo

I like to have the same browser on desktop and mobile to have a good sync of tabs, favorites and history. It seems Vivaldi doesn't have a mobile version, so it is impediment to me. I use Opera and one of the features I like more about it is My Flow, where I can post links and I can have access to them on desktop and mobile.

janmpeterka profile image
Jan Peterka

Hi, Vivaldi did get mobile version few month ago, give it a try!