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Hardhat vs. Foundry: Which Is Better, or Should You Use Them Hand in Hand?

In the fast-evolving world of Ethereum development, choosing the right tools can make a significant difference in your productivity and project outcomes. Two popular frameworks for developing and testing smart contracts are Hardhat and Foundry. While both tools offer robust features and capabilities, they cater to slightly different needs. This article will explore the strengths of Hardhat and Foundry, compare them head-to-head, and discuss whether it's better to choose one over the other—or if using them in tandem is the optimal approach.

Hardhat: The Veteran Framework

Hardhat has become a mainstay in the Ethereum development community due to its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem. It offers a comprehensive development environment, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to build, test, and deploy smart contracts.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Plugin Ecosystem: Hardhat's rich plugin ecosystem allows developers to extend its functionality easily. Whether you need to integrate with Ethers.js, deploy contracts, or analyze gas usage, there's likely a plugin for it.
  • Error Handling and Debugging: Hardhat shines in error reporting and debugging, with a robust stack trace that helps you identify issues in your contracts quickly.
  • Versatile Testing Environment: Hardhat integrates seamlessly with popular testing frameworks like Mocha and Chai, enabling developers to write unit tests in JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • Task Runner: Hardhat's task runner allows you to automate repetitive tasks such as compiling contracts, running tests, or deploying to the network.

Use Case:
Hardhat is ideal for developers who need a full-featured, customizable environment with a large community and extensive resources. It's particularly well-suited for projects that require complex integrations or developers who prefer a JavaScript/TypeScript workflow.

Foundry: The New Challenger

Foundry is a newer tool in the Ethereum ecosystem, quickly gaining traction for its speed, simplicity, and Rust-based tooling. It offers a lean, powerful suite of tools designed for developers who value performance and prefer working closer to the metal.

Key Features:

  • Blazing Fast: Foundry is known for its exceptional speed, especially when it comes to compiling and running tests. Its Rust-based build system contributes significantly to its performance.
  • Solidity-First Approach: Foundry takes a Solidity-first approach, allowing developers to write tests directly in Solidity, which can be a significant advantage for those who prefer staying within the same language.
  • Built-in Fuzz Testing: Foundry offers built-in fuzz testing, which generates random inputs to test your contracts for edge cases, helping you ensure the robustness of your code.
  • Minimal Dependencies: Foundry requires minimal setup and dependencies, making it easier to get started and less prone to integration issues.

Use Case:
Foundry is perfect for developers who prioritize speed and prefer a more straightforward, Solidity-centric workflow. It's particularly useful for projects where performance testing and rapid iteration are critical.

Hardhat vs. Foundry: Head-to-Head Comparison

Feature Hardhat Foundry
Language Support JavaScript/TypeScript, Solidity Solidity
Speed Moderate Very Fast
Plugin Ecosystem Extensive Limited (but growing)
Error Handling Advanced debugging and stack traces Basic debugging
Testing Framework Mocha/Chai (JS/TS) Built-in (Solidity)
Fuzz Testing Via Plugins Built-in
Setup Complexity Higher (due to plugins and integrations) Lower

Should You Use Them Hand in Hand?

While both tools have their strengths, they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, using Hardhat and Foundry together can offer a powerful combination that leverages the best of both worlds.

How They Can Complement Each Other:

  • Testing: You can use Hardhat for its extensive testing environment, particularly if you're comfortable with JavaScript/TypeScript, and supplement it with Foundry for faster, Solidity-focused tests and fuzz testing.
  • Deployment and Tasks: Hardhat's task runner and deployment plugins can handle complex deployment scripts and network configurations, while Foundry can be used for rapid development and testing during the early stages.
  • Error Handling and Debugging: Hardhat's advanced debugging tools can help catch complex issues that may be harder to spot with Foundry's simpler debugging options.

Example Workflow:

  1. Development: Start with Foundry to write and test your contracts quickly using Solidity. Take advantage of its speed for rapid iteration.
  2. Integration: Move to Hardhat when you need to integrate with other tools, run more complex tests, or deploy your contracts to a network.
  3. Final Testing: Use both frameworks to cross-check your tests, ensuring comprehensive coverage and catching potential issues from different angles.


Hardhat and Foundry each bring unique strengths to Ethereum development. Hardhat offers a rich, extensible environment with a focus on JavaScript/TypeScript, making it ideal for developers who need versatility and extensive tooling. Foundry, on the other hand, excels in speed and simplicity, particularly for Solidity-focused projects.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your project requirements and personal workflow preferences. For many developers, the ideal approach may not be choosing one over the other but using them together to maximize efficiency and coverage in your Ethereum development projects.

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