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Why JSON is So Popular?

Introduction: What is JSON?

JSON is a lightweight data interchange format that uses human-readable text to represent objects. JSON provides flexibility for developers and it’s interoperable with other languages.

More than 40% sites uses JSON and almost 95% API returns and receive data in some form of JSON.

If you are new to json follow How to Make a JSON File?

JSON was originally intended as a light-weight competitor of XML which was designed in the 1990s for large network systems such as Web applications, but JSON has become more popular due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Use JSON Viewer to test and view JSON in tree mode.

JSON Formatter and Beautifier


JSON is a relatively new data format. It is a text-based, human readable and language independent data-interchange format. XML has been around for longer and is more complicated than JSON. XML was designed to be human readable and it has a tree-like structure that can be parsed by software.

XML is more verbose than JSON because it needs to specify the type of data in each node whereas JSON just needs to specify the type of data at the top level.

XML uses angle brackets while JSON uses curly braces.

Use XML Viewer to test and preview XML in tree mode.

Advantage of JSON

  • It serialize / store data in an array so creating and transferring get simpler. That’s why JSON is the most used for sharing data of any size even audio, video, etc.

  • JSON's syntax is very easy to use and very small and light-weighted that’s the reason that it executes and response in a faster way.

  • All browser support JSON compatibility with the operating systems. All Browser and Languages has JSON Parser available.

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