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My Sinatra Portfolio Project.

Hey guys this is my blog post for my phase two portfolio project. I started this project off by reviewing all of my notes and reviewing all of the study group videos. After that was finished I pulled up visual studios to get started. I decided to create a web app called SpoilerAlert which is basically a website you can go to when you want to talk about the latest episodes of your favorite show with fellow fans without having to worry about spoiling it for fans who have yet to see it. I admittedly had some environmental issues to start out with I switched into this cohort from a cohort that did not use canvas so I had become accustomed to the learn ide. When I switched over to a local environment everything fell apart. I finally after many hours of struggle and research discovered my issue with the assistance of my cohort lead. I was back on track and to start the project I began by installing the corneal gem to create the skeleton of my project. I decided that my models were going to have to be users, and threads. In my application a user has many threads so from there I had the frame work set now it was time to create my database. Using rake I created a database that contained two different tables one for each of my models. With my database created it was time to fill out my views folders, nothing like some good old fashioned HTML. Having recently reviewed the course work for HTML and with the help of I was able to complete the task of filling out all of my views folders. All that was left was to code my routes. Writing routes was the most difficult part of this project for me even after I watched the videos and reviewed the courses it was still hard for me to understand. After a brief call with my cohort lead I had a significantly better understanding. I finished writing my routes and all there was left to do was mount my controllers in my file. one for each of my views not to mention the application controller. Finally after hours of work it was time to run my server I typed shotgun into my terminal and hit enter. The result of hours of work was an error of course so then I went into trouble shooting mode and fixed that error only to find another error waiting in its place. This went on for about 2 hours in total but after all of this it was finally time. My website was up it was running smoothly admittedly not the prettiest piece of work but she was mine. I quickly pushed my project to github and was finished.

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