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Introducing Instant Rebalancing for a fully autonomous Kubernetes optimization platform

Anyone who has ever worked with manual cost management tools knows how time-consuming they can be. Reaching an optimized state can take months without any guarantee of an ongoing optimized state. 

With CAST AI, this is no longer the case.

Our platform now offers Instant Rebalancing - a feature that automatically reduces cloud compute costs by 50% or more, instantly with zero impact to your application’s availability and performance.

Built on top of our AI driven algorithms, Instant Rebalancing enables you to analyze your Kubernetes cluster configuration and rightsize it to the most cost-efficient compute resources available. 

Once you rebalance, our AI automation engine will keep you in an optimized state without any additional human effort.

Cutting costs instantly and automatically 

The Instant Rebalancing feature allows you to automatically optimize a cluster from its current state to the most optimal configuration by seamlessly modifying compute resources in real time, based on inventory availability and pricing. That way, you get to realize savings within just a few minutes. 

A substantial part of cloud cost optimization is rightsizing, or using the best available resources to optimize your deployments. We’ve developed advanced algorithms that make rightsizing instant, and as easy as clicking a button. Customers can then integrate Instant Rebalancing into cluster onboarding or continuous optimization through Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Our platform provides them with significant cost savings by enabling them to quickly and easily get optimized and stay optimized, ensuring a truly frictionless experience.

Laurent Gil, Chief Product Officer at CAST AI

Instant Rebalancing adds another critical building block to the CAST AI cloud cost optimization product suite. Thanks to this  new feature, you can now seamlessly turn on cost-driven autoscaling, keeping  your cloud expenses optimized over time - even as prices and market conditions change. 

Instant Rebalancing also allows teams to benefit from Spot Instances offered at significantly discounted rates. The feature works across all supported regions in AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. 

CAST AI is a great solution for anyone that has fairly sprawling infrastructure that is growing a little out of control and becoming difficult to manage. Turning to containers and running applications in a much more consistent fashion - without ever forgetting about the costs - is a smart move. Looking at the expertise of CAST AI in Kubernetes, we are confident that these cost savings are going to be realized. [...] CAST AI gave us better visibility into our cloud resources and left us feeling in control.

Ryan Upton, Architect at Boostr

See how Instant Rebalancing works in practice

Are you going to AWS re:Invent? Drop by booth #400 to see a demonstration of the newest features, including Instant Rebalancing, between November 29 and December 3, 2021, in Las Vegas.

CAST AI team will be waiting for you at booth #400 (turn right immediately upon entering). If you’re looking for a personal demo of Instant Rebalancing or the entire platform, make sure to book a time here.

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