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Prisca Dikachi
Prisca Dikachi

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The Object model in EmberJS.

Introduction to Ember.js

Ember.js is a popular JavaScript framework used for building scalable, single-page web applications. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, and offers a range of powerful features and tools for building modern web apps.
One key aspect of Ember.js is its object model, which is used to organize and structure the code for your application. In this article, we'll delve into the object model in detail and discuss how it works, as well as some best practices for using it in your projects.

Ember.js Object Model

The Ember.js object model is based on the idea of "routes," which correspond to the different pages or views of your application. Each route is associated with a controller, which is responsible for handling the data and logic for that particular route.
For example, if you have a route for displaying a list of products, the corresponding controller might be responsible for fetching the list of products from a database and making it available to the view.
In addition to controllers, Ember.js also has models and views. Models represent the data for your application, such as product information or user profiles. Views are responsible for rendering the HTML for a particular route, and can be customized using templates.
Here's an example of a simple Ember.js route, controller, and template:

    // app/routes/products.js
       import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

       export default Route.extend({
         model() {

       // app/controllers/products.js
       import Controller from '@ember/controller';

       export default Controller.extend({
         sortProperties: ['name:asc'],
         sortedProducts: sort('model', 'sortProperties'),

       // app/templates/products.hbs

         {{#each sortedProducts as |product|}}
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In this example, the products route fetches a list of all products from the store and makes them available to the controller. The controller then sorts the list of products by name, and the template renders an HTML list of the products.

Steps to install and run Ember.js

To install and run Ember.js, you'll need to follow these steps:
Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) on your computer. You can download the latest version of Node.js from the official website.
Once Node.js and npm are installed, open a terminal window and run the following command to install the Ember.js command line interface (CLI):

npm install -g ember-cli
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Create a new Ember.js project by running the following command in your terminal:

ember new my-project
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Navigate to the root directory of your project using the cd command:

cd my-project
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Start the Ember.js development server by running the following command:

ember serve
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Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200 to view your Ember.js application.
To stop the development server, press CTRL + C in the terminal window.
You should now have a basic Ember.js project up and running on your computer. You can start building your application by modifying the files in the app directory and using the Ember.js CLI to generate new routes, models, and other components as needed.

Working with Ember.js Objects

One of the benefits of the Ember.js object model is that it makes it easy to create and manipulate objects in your application. For example, you can create a new model object like this:

let product ='product', {
   name: 'My New Product',
     price: 29.99
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You can also access and modify the properties of an object using the get and set methods:

let name = product.get('name');
   product.set('price', 39.99);
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In addition to individual objects, Ember.js also provides tools for working with relationships between objects. For example, you can use the hasMany and belongsTo associations to define relationships between models:

 // app/models/product.js
 import Model, { hasMany } from '@ember/model';

   export default Model.extend({
     reviews: hasMany('review')

   // app/models/review import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember/model';
   export default Model.extend({
   product: belongsTo('product')
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With these associations in place, you can easily access and manipulate related objects. For example, you could fetch all of the reviews for a particular product like this:

let product ='product', 1);
let reviews = product.get('reviews');
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In Ember.js, syntax refers to the way in which the framework's syntax elements, such as variables, functions, and statements, are written and used.
One key aspect of Ember.js syntax is the use of Handlebars templates, which are used to define the HTML structure and layout of your application. Handlebars templates use curly braces to enclose expressions, which are evaluated and rendered in the template. Here's an example of a simple Handlebars template:

 {#each products as |product|}
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In this example, title and products are expressions that will be evaluated and rendered in the template.

Another important aspect of Ember.js syntax is the use of parameters and return values in functions. In Ember.js, functions can accept one or more parameters, which are the values passed to the function when it is called. For example:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default Route.extend({
 model(params) {
   return'product', params.product_id);
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In this example, the model function accepts a single parameter called params, which is an object containing the URL parameters for the route.
Finally, Ember.js functions can also return a value by using the return keyword. For example:

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
export default Controller.extend({
 totalPrice() {
 let price = 0;
this.get('cart').forEach(item => {
     price += item.get('price');
   return price;
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In this example, the totalPrice function calculates the total price of all items in the cart and returns the result.
Overall, understanding Ember.js syntax, including the use of parameters, return values, and Handlebars templates, is essential for effectively working with the framework and building high-quality web applications.

Best Practices for Ember.js Object Model

As you work with the Ember.js object model, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use routes to define the different views of your application, and associate each route with a controller and template.
  • Use models to represent the data for your application, and define relationships between models using associations.
  • Use controllers to handle the logic for a particular route, and pass data to the view using properties.
  • Use templates to customize the HTML for a particular view, and use helpers to access data and perform logic in the template. It's also important to avoid common pitfalls when working with the object model. For example, be careful not to create unnecessary levels of nesting in your routes, as this can make it harder to maintain your application.


In this article, we've provided an overview of the Ember.js object model and how it works. By following best practices and utilizing the power of routes, controllers, models, views, and templates, you can create scalable and well-organized web applications with Ember.js.
For more information on the object model and other aspects of Ember.js, check out the official documentation and other resources. With a little practice and experimentation, you'll be well on your way to mastering the Ember.js object model and building powerful web apps.

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