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Discussion on: Wix, WordPress, JAMStack - Oh My!

carolinahouseweather profile image
Carolina Evans

Everything depends on the reasons you need a website.
If we are talking about beginners who need just a small blog, they may use just some google blog platforms, they don't need any code at all.
At the same time, I believe, WordPress or Tilda are a good choice if you'd like to try to do something by yourself for the first time, but the code abilities are not really good.
So, you may have something like this(1- using wordpress or using Tilda), you need just some plaguins and not really difficult codes. They are the best variants if you need a landing page only, because it's easy and fast.
I want agree with you about WIX. It's just a trash even for such a newbie as I am.
Anyway, thank you for the useful info. I'd like to try to work with JAM after reading your post.

mhatvan profile image
Markus Hatvan

I wouldn't call any tool trash, every user has different needs! Same like I don't judge anyone for knowing how to code or not.

For a landing page only, you can get results with any tool quite easily, I agree.

When you need to scale a website, you can run into performance and layout issues fast. I am actually surprised that is performing well, not loading too many assets and doing around ~50 requests only. Good job on that!

You're welcome, definitely try out JAMstack. Thank you for your comment ;)