DEV Community

Discussion on: How to improve your focus in 2021

carmenintech profile image
Carmen Chung

Yeah that's a great point - one of the beauties of solo side projects is the ability to just get the work done without having to sit in back-to-back meetings! I love just banging out code for 6 hours straight, listening to rain sounds on Spotify (not kidding you, it's amazing for concentrated focus!).

I love the Pomodoro technique - do you use a special app for it, or just set a timer?

destynova profile image
Oisín • Edited

Yeah rain sounds are good - I used to listen to Noisli, and sometimes I use an Android app called Noice (admittedly, mostly when trying to sleep). Sometimes I'll listen to video game music since that tends to be composed in a way that loops naturally -- often when coming out of flow, I'll realise the same song has been playing for 40 minutes.
The Pomodoro timer I use is just a super-simplistic webapp called Tomato Timer and it does the trick without being too distracting.