DEV Community

Discussion on: Building DevDaoStory: A Dynamic Visual Novel

carinam17 profile image

Are you able to point me in the direction of documentation that will help with hosting Ren'Py games using AWS S3? I'm interested in using that for a project as well as learning more about iframes and wasm. Thank you for the interesting write up on your project!

banjtheman profile image
Banjo Obayomi • Edited

I was able to leverage the renpyweb module to build a web distribution of the game.

From there you can simply upload all the files into an s3 bucket

S3 data

And this code show how I used an iframe to embed the game on a website

<iframe scrolling="no" id="iframe_game" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden; 
 display:block; position: absolute; height: 95%; width: 95%" src="link_to_s3_index.html"></iframe>
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carinam17 profile image

Thank you so much! I'll update you on how it goes.