DEV Community

Carlos Estrada
Carlos Estrada

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Experience completing LeetCode SQL 50 (1/?)

In today’s post we are going to talk about the leet code study plan SQL 50 and my journey to completing this challenge.

The reason I’m taking this is because I want to improve my skills with sql, to be complete honest with you, It’s somethings that with the time as become one of my weaknesses, one of the reasons is that I’ve been spending a lot of time working with orm such as Eloquentof laravel or Typeorm for nodejs.

But this need to end, so for that reason, I decide to take this challenge. Today post will be focus on the first section of this challenge.

Section 1 of leetcode sql 50

This first section was about the select statement, the challenges were perfect to warm up for the next sections, I think my favorite one was Invalid Tweets . This section took me around 30 minutes to complete, but it was perfect to start doing challenges of sql on leet code, Let’s see how this goes with the next sections.

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