DEV Community

Discussion on: How to properly close a port?

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ss -tnlp and netstat -tnlp shows pid of processes, their names and their open/listening (aka server) ports. There are tons of tutorials @google about these two commands. top on the other hand does not show open ports. Depending on the OS it can have some shortcuts to kill.

As to root and sudo I would be very careful. You may end up with a surprise ;) You can kill some system service like X server, print spooler, OS upgrade process.

kill (pid) and killall (matching a name) sends signals to processes. Without a name of a signal given default one is used - SIGTERM. This is just "asking" process to exit - similar to alt+f4. The -9 signal is a SIGKILL signal - usually just called kill. It cannot be ignored by processes.

After killing process that had opened TCP port it make take a while before this port is closed. It hangs in OS in special state - only thing you can do is wait or reboot.

Sooner or later you're going to need kill some process to free some port. It's a good idea to glance some docs/manuals (man ss, man netstat) to have some vague memories about what each of these commands can do. Every command is useful. Everyone has their favourite set. Do an experiment - but before you do save your files.