DEV Community

David Cao
David Cao

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how to make Linux user password never expire

In Linux land, passwords have an expiration date, just like your carton of oat milk. Every few months, that annoying chime reminds you: "Change your password"

But why? It's a security dance. We make passwords expire to lock out intruders who might snag your old password and waltz into your system. New locks, new tunes, keep those bad guys out.

However, sometimes this password tango can get tiresome. What if you're a super-secure admin account? Do they really need to change their passwords?

This article is your guide to breaking free from the password-pocalypse. It shows you how to make those passwords last forever, like that mythical fountain of youth. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Security is still paramount, so choose your moves wisely!

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