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Part III: The Member Object in Eris

Part 3

In this post, I will be teaching you how to write a whois command.

The whois command

So, here's the code:

const { Command } = require('yuuko');
const moment = require('moment');
module.exports = new Command(['whois', 'member'], async (message, args, context) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if (!args[0]) {
        return`${}, apologies! Please specify a particular member!`);
    const user = message.mentions[0];
    const guild =;
    const member = await guild.members.get(;{
        embed: {
            title: `User information for ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`,
            thumbnail: {
                url: user.avatarURL,
            color: 0x008000,
            fields: [
                    name: 'Account created at:',
                    value: `${moment.utc(user.createdAt).format('MMMM, Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`,
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'User ID:',
                    value: `\`${}\``,
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'Roles:',
                    value: '<@&' + => `${r}`).join('>, <@&') + '>',
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'Joined server at:',
                    value: `${moment.utc(member.joinedAt).format('MMMM, Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`,
                    inline: false,

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Create a file in ./commands, and name it whois.js. Proceed to dump the above code into whois.js. You MIGHT have to run npm i moment --save to install the moment module.

Now, let me explain the code.
As usual, we require the packages, create the command, and export it:

const { Command } = require('yuuko');
const moment = require('moment');
module.exports = new Command('whois', async (message, args, context) => {
  // code here
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We will then check for arguments. If there are none, we stop the code (or it will return undefined):

if (!args[0]) {
    return`${}, apologies! Please specify a particular member!`);
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We use to mention the message author.

We get the first user that is mentioned in the message, get the guild the message was sent in, and get the member object from the guild object:

const user = message.mentions[0];
const guild =;
const member = await guild.members.get(;
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After that, we proceed to send the embed message with the member and user information:{
        embed: {
            title: `User information for ${user.username}#${user.discriminator}`,
            thumbnail: {
                url: user.avatarURL,
            color: 0x008000,
            fields: [
                    name: 'Account created at:',
                    value: `${moment.utc(user.createdAt).format('MMMM, Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`,
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'User ID:',
                    value: `\`${}\``,
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'Roles:',
                    value: '<@&' + => `${r}`).join('>, <@&') + '>',
                    inline: false,
                    name: 'Joined server at:',
                    value: `${moment.utc(member.joinedAt).format('MMMM, Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')}`,
                    inline: false,
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However, what if you wanted this command the have two triggers (e.g. whois and member) instead of just one trigger(whois)?
That's quite easy. You just have to replace module.exports = new Command('whois', async (message, args, context) => with module.exports = new Command(['whois', 'member'], async (message, args, context) =>

This are just some user and member properties, more of them can found at the following pages:


In this article, we learnt how to send more advanced embed with fields, create command aliases, and fetch members from the guild objects. In my next post, I will be making a guild command that shows information about the guild the message was sent in.
Have a nice day!

Oldest comments (2)

bdt4248 profile image

new Command(['whois', 'member'],...)
What is ['whois', 'member'] supposed to be/do anyway?

canaris profile image
DET171 • Edited

It's basically adding an alias, so that sending both <prefix>whois and <prefix>member will trigger the command.