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Discussion on: 5 Things To Do When You're Feeling The Struggle

camicode profile image

These are the right tips for beginning programmers like me.
In fact, in this period I have difficulty programming, because I don't know how to program in the right way.
I think I don't have a mental logic and I tried different solution ( read documention , see tutorial ect...), but still nothing.
Anyway I will try your advise

jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Reasoning through problems is difficult when you first start programming. Everyone learns and works differently, you just need to find what works for you.

I would definitely suggest trying steps 3 & 4 every time you start a new feature or problem to solve. By writing and talking out the steps you want to take to build the feature or resolve the problem it will help you identify any possible issues with your logic.

And try not to get discouraged, it just takes time and experience - try to seek out a mentor who can help guide you (step 5 😉).

corelhas profile image
Carlos Orelhas

I have the same problems you have... 'I can't build anything for me', 'I don't know what should I build' all these types of thoughts we have you know?

And I want to share with you what I do to jump over these bad feelings and thoughts so I bought an empty book called 'infinite book' it looks like a whiteboard and you can write everything and just clean. So I approach my daily learning with a new method:

  • I watch a video tutorial about something (doesn't matter what just pick something and build) and at the same time I watch the video I write down in the book the ideas I catch from the video.
  • After this, I start the project from myself and try to do everything I write in the white book when I get stuck or replay the part of the video I get stuck to understand or if I know what to do but doesn't know the function or something, look on google.
camicode profile image

It's a great idea, explain me more in the details of this infinite book, if you want to share obviously.

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corelhas profile image
Carlos Orelhas

Let me share with you this quick review:

It's better if you watch the video and understand the concept between the infinite book.

If you want to share some ideas please let me know and send me DM .