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Caleb Kartheiser
Caleb Kartheiser

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Bridging CAS and OAuth2: A Comprehensive Solution for Authentication


In today’s world of diverse authentication protocols, integrating legacy systems with modern authentication methods can be a challenge. The "CAS to OAuth2" project on GitHub addresses this issue by providing a seamless interface that translates between the Central Authentication Service (CAS v2.0) protocol and OAuth 2.0. This solution is particularly useful for organizations looking to modernize their authentication systems without abandoning existing infrastructure.

Key Features

  • Protocol Translation: Converts CAS authentication requests into OAuth2, enabling compatibility with modern authentication systems.
  • Robust Integration: Facilitates the integration of CAS systems with OAuth2 servers, streamlining authentication and authorization processes in complex environments.


The project leverages:

  • Go: The primary programming language for backend development.
  • Gin: A high-performance HTTP web framework for Go.
  • MongoDB: The database used for storing necessary information.


To get started with the "CAS to OAuth2" project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd cas-to-oauth2
  2. Install dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  3. Set up the environment:

    • Copy .env.local to .env.
    • Fill in the required details in the .env file (MongoDB connection, OAuth2 service URL, etc.).
  4. Run the project:

    go run cmd/main.go


The project offers extensive configuration options:

  • APM Support: Enable Application Performance Monitoring by setting USE_APM=true and configuring the related variables (ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_NAME, ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL, etc.).


The "CAS to OAuth2" project can be used like a standard CAS server. To ensure everything is set up correctly, run the unit tests available in the tests directory.


The "CAS to OAuth2" project is great tool for organizations transitioning from CAS to OAuth2. By facilitating seamless integration and providing robust support for modern authentication protocols, it helps bridge the gap between legacy and contemporary systems.

For more details, visit the CAS to OAuth2 GitHub repository.

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