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Caio Campos Borges Rosa
Caio Campos Borges Rosa

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The challenge of doing good

Ever since I can remember, I've had a strong urge to be helpful. The feeling of making a positive impact on someone's life, helping them feel better, or supporting them in achieving their goals has always been a driving force for me, and with that came the feeling of frustration when I wasn't able to do so.

Before entering the field of software development, I found fulfillment in other areas of my life, such as being a great dad, a supportive friend, and a good husband. However, I also desired to make a positive impact on people beyond my immediate circle. The question was, how could I achieve this and create value in the lives of others beyond my friends and family?

My job provides me with the opportunity to interface with people and help them solve their problems, and for years, I struggled with feeling fulfilled in my professional career. However, I eventually came to the realization that my job is simply an extension of who I am, beyond my close circle of friends and family. It allows me to use my skills and strengths to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and that brings me a sense of fulfillment.
In that sense, software development skills can be a superpower in creating a positive impact on people.

I have discovered several aspects of software development that bring me joy and a sense of fulfillment.

  • Time spent versus the real impact on users should match expectations.
  • Company's goals and aspirations must match my own sense of worth
  • Money is as important as what enables my future goals
  • Being able to trust others beside and above you tecnically and moraly

I'm on a path to find professional fulfillment and hope to be of value to others along the way.

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