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Cadu Ribeiro
Cadu Ribeiro

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Connecting on RDS Server that is not publicly accessible

Let’s imagine the following scenario:

You have web servers on a public subnet that you can connect and your RDS instance is hosted on a private subnet. This way, your database instance is not publicly accessible through the internet and you can’t connect your local client with it.

It’s not possible to do a:

mysql -u user -p -h RDS\_HOST

To establish a connection with the database, you’ll need to use your public EC2 instances to act as a bridge to the RDS. Let’s make a SSH Tunnel.

ssh -i /path/to/keypair.pem -NL 9000:RDS\_ENDPOINT:3306 ec2-user@EC2\_HOST -v
  • -i /path/to/keypair.pem : The -i option will inform the ssh which key will be used to connect. If you already added your key with ssh-add, this is not necessary. -NL — N will not open a session with the server. It will set up the tunnel. L will set up the port forwarding.
  • -NL : N will not open a session with the server. It will set up the tunnel. L will set up the port forwarding.
  • 9000:RDS_ENDPOINT:3306 : The -L option will make the port forwarding based on this argument. The first number 9000 is the local port that you want to use to connect with the remote host. RDS_ENDPOINT is the RDS host of your database instance. 3306 is the port of the remote host that you want to access (3306 is the MySQL’s default port).
  • ec2-user@EC2_HOST : How ssh your public EC2 instance.
  • -v : Is optional. With this you will print the ssh log on your terminal.

With this you can now connect to your private RDS instance using your local client.

mysql -h -P9000 -u RDS\_USER -p

If your EC2 instance is on a private subnet too, you will need to set up a bastion host to make the bridge possible. Bastion host is an instance that will be placed on a public subnet and will be accessible using SSH. You will use the same SSH tunnel, only changing the host used to point the bastion host.

Cheers 🍻

Top comments (1)

nirmal_kumar profile image
Nirmal • Edited

To make this further simpler, we can add these settings to ssh/config file like this

Host rds_ShortName
HostName ec2-hostname
User ec2-user
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.key.pem
LocalForward 3306 rds-host:3306

Usage : ssh rds_ShortName -Nv