DEV Community

Discussion on: Laptops - what is more important?

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

Well I bought a Macbook so that’s #1. I don’t care about #2 because when I buy a laptop I look for one I think will last more than 5 years. I built a custom gaming desktop in the past and thought I would upgrade it but never did. I always just bought a new computer every 5 years..

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

I have an Asus Zenbook, which was a steal when I bought it. I wasn't doing any complicated development at the time, and saw no need for more than 8GB RAM. I also thought that, because therefore 16GB variants, I'd be able to upgrade. Now I get regular crashes.

I love the lightweight aspect of it, but think I'd like to be able to pay less upfront and upgrade when I need more resource.

It's about finding that right trade off.