DEV Community

Discussion on: Cross compilers, native compilation, or some kind of VM (like Java)?

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Montegasppα Cacilhας

I’ve understood you wanna develop desktop applications for final user, am I right?

There’s no final answer, all I can do is telling you my feeling.

I won’t incite you to do cross-compilation, but it’s not to discard.

C/C++ are cross-platform if you code properly. For instance, using Qt, C++ becomes a whole other language, that you can compile for Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows virtually with no changes.

Python runs over a VM too, called CPython. If you avoid system-coupled data, a Python application potentially can run over Linux, Windows, and so on. Take a look at os module and its os.path submodule.

Finally the JVM is always a fail safe.