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Avoid multiple ElIf situation

Reducing code smelling with a help from first class citizens

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Recently I've encountered a situation where elif's stacked on top of each other like pancakes. For example, we are parsing different file formats. Our parsers are ready and we just need a higher level interface.

if file_format == 'xml':
elif file_format == 'csv':
elif file_format == 'json':
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At first there were just if and else. Then things started to add up and I realized that multiple elif's was just a smelling piece of code.

To deal with that we can leverage a python concept that functions are first class citizens. Meaning we can return them or use them as a dictionary values. So we need to map our file formats with corresponding parsing functions:

parsers = {
 'xml': parse_xml,
 'csv': parse_csv,
 'json': parse_json,
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Notice that I did not include our default txt parser. It's like we rewrote
if and elif's of our previous code. Now we need a function to return a parser for a given file format:

def get_parser(file_format):
    return parsers.get(file_format, parse_txt)
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This will return a parser function from our parsers dictionary for a given file format. Or, if file_format is not a key of that dictionary, default parse_txt. As an analogy before, it's like we rewrote the last else statement.

To use that we need to call get_parser function and we can also immediately execute it:

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But if you want to be more transparent, you can expand this to multiple lines:

parser = get_parser('csv')
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I think this code looks better than at the beginning of the article, although might not be obvious for everyone, so don't forget to place some comments :)

And I want to believe that it works a little faster because we're just getting a value from a dictionary instead of checking every single if case.

Top comments (5)

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

I still don't really understand why elif or else if smells, when dictionary with functions just make the code more complicated.

Danger 1 - Dictionary with non-function gets compiled
Danger 2 - not in Python. Fall through in switch case statement

c_v_ya profile image
Constantine • Edited

I have nothing against elifs, it's a powerful and useful tool. And I use it a lot in my projects. But when I see 4-5 or more of them - Idk, it makes me cringe. Dictionary can help with that giving you a neat structure of what to do when you have this condition.

jhermann profile image
Jürgen Hermann • Edited

Because the number of code paths is reduced, and the intent of the code is way more clearer (get me a parser for this format). The code is actually simpler, because less chance for the unexpected.

Complexity is not just what is, but what could be.

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

I absolutely agree. In wemake-python-styleguide we have a special violation called TooManyElifViolations. We raise a violation when developers use more then 3 elifs.

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c_v_ya profile image
Constantine • Edited

I agree with you. But this code was just an example. I could not come up with something more useful but had an idea to write about.