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Are Your Secrets Projects Truly Safe?🔐

ByteHide Secrets is here to revolutionize how we manage and secure sensitive data. Check out Secrets features, join our Waitlist for the launch and get benefits and discounts!

What is Secrets?

Secrets is ByteHide’s sensitive data manager which goal is to create, store, update and delete important secrets and information from all your source code.

Comprehensive Security Solution

ByteHide Secrets combines secret management and hardcoded secret detection into one powerful platform, making security management simpler and more efficient.

Automated and Intelligent Secret Detection

Our advanced detection capabilities, powered by over 25 plugins and AI-driven "Secrets AI," ensure precise identification of secrets.

Environment-Specific Configuration

With Secrets, you can customize values for the same secret across various environments, ensuring precise control without compromising security.

Seamless Integration and User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy an intuitive user interface and seamless integration process. Secrets simplifies configuration and setup, allowing you to focus on development while ensuring robust security measures are in place.

Real-Time Secret Export and Management

Our platform automatically extracts and synchronizes secrets with the vault, eliminating hardcoded secrets from your source code. This feature enhances security and simplifies audits, ensuring sensitive data remains protected at all times.

What makes us different?

  • Integrated secret management and detection.
  • Automatic extraction and synchronization of secrets.
  • Encryption of secret keys in the SDK.
  • Environment-specific configurations.
  • AI-driven and plugin-supported detection.
  • Detailed reports on detected secrets.
  • Intuitive user interface.

ByteHide Secrets offers an easy approach to data security, simplifying operations while providing unmatched insight and control. Join us in securing the future of applications!

Top comments (2)

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Interesting product. Is this a "cloud" based solution, or is it software that runs on a dev's computer, or an on-premise server?

bytehide profile image

Hi @mellen ! Yes, Secrets is a Cloud Based Solution.

It's our Zero-Knowledge Secrets Manager, but don't worry, we won't have access to your secrets. We just give you the tools to access, identify, and protect your secrets in our platform.

All your secrets will be 100% protected from anyone (included ByteHide) .If you have more doubts, don't hesitate to contact us! Or you can have a look to our Documentation:

We also have a Waiting list for all the users interested in protecting their secrets, if you join it, you will have early access and discounts for Secrets and other services!
Here you can join us: