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Quick Byte: A very specific error in React Native iOS

Just a quick note which may or may not solve your React Native project's problem.

I was seeing this error when trying to run or build my project on iOS.

The following build commands failed:
        PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User] Generate Specs target 'React-rncore' from project 'Pods')
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • the error comes from a shell script in rncore, from project Pods, during "PhaseScriptExecution"


  • deleted Pods folder and Podfile.lock, reinstalled pods
  • checked the Podfile and the use_react_native configuration, looked okay
  • hmm PhaseScriptExecution seems interesting, I remember setting up something in XCode for my Target's Build Phases

A screenshot of the Build Phases section on XCode showing a shell script that runs


  • the rncore script throwing the error must be getting called by -- But what's setting node binary?
  • open up .xcode.env.local -- it set it to some weird temporary directory, let's fix that
  • npx react-native run-ios
  • FIXED!

No hate please, this is a note-to-self that I'm making public in the hopes that it helps any devs that encounter something similar.

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