I think one of the things that defines a "programming mindset" is the desire to improve processes (for example: automating them). When a programme...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Wow. This is ugly.
Really hard to interpret this comment. This is a (rather long) article that can be boiled down to "commenters should be kind and constructive." It's possible that you're agreeing with the article, and reflecting on the fact that the current state of internet commenting "is ugly". Or it's possible that you're doing exactly what the article is asking commenters not to do, which is to respond with a rather unhelpful and derisive comment...
FWIW, I took it as tongue-in-cheek, because he's literally using a direct quote from the body of the article.
Jokes aside, great article! I love your writing style 😁
Just read this: dev.to/bytebodger/thank-you-for-yo...
Just for the LULZ, here is how chat GPT reacted to this article (you need to add it to sub species) :
Comment 1 (The Fanboy): Ugh, I can't believe you didn't mention how TDD fanatics like myself never leave nasty comments on articles. We're clearly superior developers and your article is stoooopid for not recognizing that. 🙄
Comment 2 (The Corporate Apologist): Honestly, if you can't handle the pressure of negative comments, maybe you're just not cut out for the software industry. Real developers can handle criticism and use it to grow. Your article is just whining. 😏
Comment 3 (The Code Nazi): The formatting of your article is all wrong! If you can't even get that right, how can we trust your opinion on developer behavior? You're obviously not fit to write about this topic. 👎
Comment 4 (The Time Cop): I've been in this industry for years and I've never encountered these so-called "developer subspecies." It took me only five minutes to realize your article was a waste of time. You're clearly inexperienced. ⏱️
Comment 5 (The Benchmark Troll): I ran some tests on the load time of your article, and it's 0.2379% slower than similar articles. Clearly, you don't know how to optimize your content for performance. 📉
Comment 6 (The Speed Reader): I skimmed through your article and I'm pretty sure you're just making up these developer subspecies. If you had actually done your research, you'd know that there's no such thing as a "Code Nazi." 🤦♂️
Comment 7 (The Snarkster): Your attempt to categorize developers is just... adorable. It's like watching a child trying to understand the complexities of the adult world. slow clap 👏
Comment 8 (The Opinionator): This entire article is just your opinion on how developers behave, and I have to say, it's stoooopid. You're trying to create drama where there is none. 🤨
Comment 9 (The Dogmatist): Categorizing developers into subspecies is just wrong. We're all unique individuals with different perspectives and strengths. You should be ashamed for perpetuating stereotypes. 😠
Comment 10 (The Entertainer): I came here expecting a hilarious article about developer personalities, and instead, I got this boring piece on "subspecies." Next time, try to actually entertain your readers. 😴
Comment 11 (The Last Senior): This article just shows that you're a junior dev trying to make sense of the developer community. Someday you might understand the nuances, but for now, just stick to what you know. 😂
OMG, this is #Epic. Thank you!
I've probably done all of these myself at some point. This kind of post is always a good reminder to me that there are all kinds of devs out there and to be aware of that fact when approaching others.
There is another type of comment that might arguably be called worthless: Genuine appreciation...the person that drops a thank you note but offers little beyond that.
Thank you for taking the time to write this article.
(See what I did there?)
But sometimes we just need to have a little bit of positive feedback to keep us going. You never know when a simple Thank You will make someone's day better! Especially if they had a rough day.
THIS, right here, is exactly what I'm talking about. As much as these people annoy me, if I'm being really honest with myself, have I been any of these guys before?? Of course!!! I can't erase the past. But I can make every sincere effort to avoid repeating it.
The dev bros I usually run into on dev.to are anti-typescript. :P They write flame-articles about it that are several pages long if you'd print it out and they always make it to the top dev.to articles of the week... If they didn't write such articles nothing would happen, because nobody who likes typescript is writing an anti-javascript article or anti-jsdoc. If an anti-typescript person writes an article about all the reasons why they hate typescript, obviously its going to get responses. Nobody ever cared if they use typescript or not, its the anti-typescript dev bros who just cant stand the fact that some (a lot) of devs use typescript.
Hmm... interesting point. The funny thing is that I feel I encounter a lot of anti-JS snobbery IRL. But I can see what you mean about there possibly being an opposite effect in the Dev.to universe.
I guess perhaps they are pissed off by anti-JS snobs IRL and come to dev.to to vent? 😁
I think that dev.to is a much more friendly place than many others, as you point out. On another platform, I was once called a “snake-oil salesman“.
As a non-native speaker, I had to google what that even meant. I learned something along the way, so thank you jerk-whose-name-I-don’t-remember!
Liked it!
Reflection: Will the "nasty subspecies" vary depending on the country/culture? I am European, I have always worked for local companies, and from what I have read, not only from yours but in general, is that the American "internet culture" is more toxic than the Mediterranean one?
Yes, it's difficult to know because the beauty of the internet is that it's universal... and yet...
I do suspect that there's something sadly American about toxicity. Of course, it'd be foolish to believe that there aren't jerks in every country and in every culture. But we seem to have a douchebag factory on this side of the Atlantic...
ah ah , of course there are jerks everywhere!
Great Author with impressive Article.
I have always enjoyed reading your articles over time.
Looking forward to your final article on the Amazon layoffs.
Thank you, but... the final article on Amazon was posted several days ago.
OK,I will surely check it out.
I didn't have time to read most of your article, but I have to disagree that comments are worthless.
What do you think about this then😏 - dev.to/bytebodger/thank-you-for-yo...
No notes. This is perfect and needs to be linked and posted EVERYWHERE.
What is the point of typescript, really? Is it for the anal obsessive that doesn't trust xer anal obsessivity?