DEV Community

Discussion on: Live-coding interviews: essential or discriminatory?

bustosandrew profile image
Andrew Bustos • Edited

A live coding review of a take home test with a max of 2 and a half hours. Also, not trying to give the typical leetcode questions that will most likely never apply to the job, especially for frontend. Instead, give problems that really simulate real world web development problems with the intended use of some algorithms. Personally, I just find the typical leetcode questions discriminatory on the socioeconomic level, compared to how SATs are currently not being accepted by US universities because they are more beneficial to the upper or middle class. Unfortunately, it can also be unintentionally discriminatory on the basis of race/ethnicity since many minorities in the US don't live the middle class life with adequate educational resources. This is changing, but slowly. Sorry for the rant but I just did a ridiculous leetcode-like code signal test for a dropbox apprenticeship. I'm just reflecting on how the US public school system employed too many teachers that didn't care much to prepare students or me to solve real world problems. Let me know your thoughts! Also, I'm surprised no one commented on this yet...

meseta profile image
Yuan Gao

I'd agree - most leetcode questions aren't reflective of real-world work either, and the fact that the advice given is often "practice these questions" and not "get real-world experience" shows that ability to pass these tests is largely an indicator as to whether you practice these tests. It's a bit like IQ tests - if you do a lot of IQ tests, you get good at IQ tests, but nobody thinks you should go practice IQ tests to get better at every-days skills