DEV Community

Busra Sengul
Busra Sengul

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Umbraco Forms 12+, Custom Field Type

This is an addition to my previous post about Umbraco Forms.

This time let's create a custom field!

Sometimes we need fields that are not visually rendered in the FE, but the FE still needs to pass those values on a form submission. I'm sure you can instantly think of a few use cases for this.

In my case, I needed to have a text string field for the address, and then FE was responsible for having a postcode look up and sending back 5 different fields to the BE and then to a custom workflow.

Let's dive right into how with steps;

1-Install Umbraco Forms for your Umbraco 12+ project
dotnet add package Umbraco.Forms

You'll need to buy your license for your domain when you go live!

2-Create a custom field type;

public class AddressLookupField : FieldType
    public AddressLookupField()
        Id = new Guid("2e26a579-2859-44fa-8778-fcdab81675d2");

        Alias = "addressLookup";

        Name = "Address Lookup";

        Description = "Address Lookup";

        Icon = "icon-terminal";

        DataType = FieldDataType.String;

        FieldTypeViewName = "FieldType.AddressLookupField.cshtml";

        SortOrder = 10;

        SupportsRegex = true;

    public override IEnumerable<string> ValidateField(Form form, Field field, IEnumerable<object> postedValues, HttpContext context, IPlaceholderParsingService placeholderParsingService, IFieldTypeStorage fieldTypeStorage)
        var returnStrings = new List<string>();

        return base.ValidateField(form, field, postedValues, context, placeholderParsingService, fieldTypeStorage, returnStrings);
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This class is for backoffice to understand there's a new field type to be added to the forms field types.
Here you can see it's now available as an answer type

Image description

3-We also need a .html file to display this field in the back office;
Add the following code to the path;

<input type="text" tabindex="-1"
       style="max-width: 300px" />
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Now we can see the field too

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4-Create a .cshtml file to

Here's the .cshtml will look like;

@model Umbraco.Forms.Web.Models.FieldViewModel
@using Umbraco.Forms.Web

<input type="text" name="addressLookup" id="addressLookup" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

<input type="hidden" name="addressLine1" id="addressLine1" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

<input type="hidden" name="addressLine2" id="addressLine2" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

<input type="hidden" name="city" id="city" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

<input type="hidden" name="postcode" id="postcode" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

<input type="hidden" name="country" id="country" class="text" value="@Model.ValueAsHtmlString" maxlength="500" />

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As you can see, we only display the actual addressLookup field and there are 5 more additional fields that are hidden.

This is how you create a custom field!

Let's use this on a workflow;

When a form is submitted and you get your record fields by;
records.GetRecordFieldByAlias("addressLookup")?.Values; you get an array of the fields you had hidden!

Here's what my payload looks like

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And Umbraco forms are smart enough to pick it up in the submissions!

Image description

Hope this helps someone!

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