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Jamstack Conf 2021

Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? | Transitional Apps with Rich Harris

What do you already know about the session topic?

Before watching this talk, I was aware of single-page applications since I have developed them both for school or professionally. At the end of the day, An SPA is a single page that interacts with the user on a continual basis by dynamically modifying the current page rather than loading complete new pages from the server. Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter are examples of this.

What did you learn?

I learned about how critiques on both sides of the medallion (SPA vs MPA) can have solid points and arguments against each other. I learned that the main pros of SPA’s are single codebase, fast navigation, persistent elements, and client-side state management, Whereas the pros of MPA’s are Server-rendered (or static file, etc.), fast initial load, working without JavaScript by default, consistent experience with accessibility features built-in, and the ability to use whatever technology the user prefers.

The cons of SPA’s are its lack of resilience, needing too much JavaScript, and a typical low initial page load performance. When it comes to MPA’s the cons are having to use 2 apps instead of 1, sluggish navigation, the need to re-evaluate all JS on every page load.

Follow-up questions, conclusion.

Through “transitional design”, transitional apps can have an effect that is the best of both worlds (SPA vs MPA). SvelteKit, which is a meta-framework Rich Harris’ team is currently working on, is a toolkit for building transitional apps. I would want to see a demo for this even though GitHub boilerplate is provided.

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