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AR➡️Analyst➡️Software Engineer

I took a major step towards changing career paths. I have always dabbled in coding, customizing my personal websites and learning the basics. I never saw it as a possible career path until now. A light bulb 💡 went off one day. I have been "dabbling" in code since before graduating high school almost 15 years ago😮‍💨.

It wasn't until I left my Accounts Receivable Specialist job of almost 10 years that I knew I wanted something different. My new analyst job provided me with a couple of work from home days but I needed more. I was most productive working in my own home. I had the setup perfect. No distractions. I was happy working in my own element. I hated the analyst work though. So I took a leap of faith and I am now working my way through a bootcamp geared towards women.

I did research for about a month, looking at all types of options to learn coding. The price of tuition ranged from free all the way to tens of thousands of dollars🙄. I already have actual student loan debt so putting a lot of money into this interest was NOT an option. I settled on SheCodes mainly because of their focus on women. I have always been a feminist and while they don't promote feminist issues, it touched my heart a little.

I just finished the SheCodes Basics workshop. It took me 2 weeks instead of the 3 they pace you at. It was fairly easy (with the exception of Javascript). I have a long ways to go but I am excited about my journey. This blog post will be a marker for my progress. I am giving myself 6-8 months to learn the languages needed to get a Junior Developer job.

Lets go!💪🏾

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