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Brilworks Software
Brilworks Software

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Headless CMS Explained: Simplifying Content Management for Modern Web Development

Traditional content management systems — WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal — have been our trusty companions for ages, providing us with the means to create and publish digital content on the web.

But now, a new era has dawned upon us, and with it comes the rise of headless CMSs. There are two possible reasons; first, they provide an option to reuse the backend across multiple channels, and second, flexibility to choose the preferred front-end technology.

You probably have heard about headless CMSs, and if not, don’t worry – we’re here to explain what they are and how they differ from traditional content management systems. Furthermore, we will explore the essential elements that contribute to their widespread adoption in the contemporary digital era.

Whether you’re new to the world of CMSs or already familiar with the headless ecosystem, this article is for you.

The Rise of Headless CMS: The Future of Content Management

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A headless CMS is a content management system that doesn’t have a front-end layer or “head”. It only contains back-end data, tools, and APIs to send or receive data between the front-end and back-end. This is why it’s called headless. The absence of a head allows developers to choose from various front-end technologies for building the presentation layer.

Headless CMSs are around us for over a decade, but their adoption has been limited compared to traditional CMSs. This may be due to the lack of smart devices in the past.

As the digital landscape continues to expand, marketers are increasingly adopting headless CMSs as their preferred choice.

While both traditional and headless CMSs have their strengths, the decision to use one over the other is ultimately subjective and depends on the specific objectives of the end user. Below is a concise comparison between headless and traditional to assist you in determining the best fit for your needs.

Traditional CMS vs Headless CMS

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Note: You may come across the terms “decoupled” or “headless” CMS. They are often used interchangeably when it comes to content management systems (CMSs). However, have a subtle difference.

While a headless CMS only provides an ecosystem for managing and storing back-end data, a decoupled CMS may feature a front-end layer as well.

Now that you have a solid understanding of what a headless ecosystem entails, it’s worth noting some of the key advantages they offer. Being aware of these benefits can assist you in choosing the appropriate technology stack.

Benefits of Headless CMS

Flexibility: Headless CMS allows the content development team to separate the front-end and back-end, enabling data reusability across various channels.
Compatibility: The content stored in a headless CMS can be distributed to different channels, such as smartphones, smart TVs, smartwatches, and more.
Scalability: When the back end and front end are decoupled, any issues faced by the back end do not immediately affect the front end. The front end remains unaffected, allowing time to work on back-end issues without disrupting front-end performance.
Tech-agnostic front-end development: With Headless CMSs, you will have the freedom to work with your favorite frameworks and front-end technologies such as React, Angular, and Vue.
Content reusability: With a headless content management system, the content team has the ability to reuse the content across various platforms. As content is stored and separated from the presentation layer, it can be dynamically delivered.
Composable: Unlike monolithic CMS (Content Management Systems) that are tightly coupled with the front-end and restrict content reuse, headless CMS are designed to be composable, allowing for content or component reusability.

The Downside of Headless System

  • Headless content management systems may have many advantages, but they are not without flaws.
  • While they offer better flexibility in choosing front-end technology, developers may require extra effort in handling data transmission to the front layer.
  • The front-end and back-end separation can create some friction. As a result, data previewing may not be as seamless as in monolithic systems.

Use Cases of Headless CMSs

Below are the scenarios when headless CMSs can be a better choice:

If you want to develop your app front-end technologies such as React, Vue, and Angular, they are the go-to choice.
Headless CMSs are ideal for publishing the same content across multiple platforms.
You want to separate the creation, management, and content delivery.
While traditional content management tools dominate the market, headless CMS solutions seamlessly integrate with popular front-end technologies. Let’s have a look at some popular headless CMSs.

Popular Headless CMS in 2023

1. Storyblok

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Storyblok, powered by node.js, is a composable (ability of a content management system to be broken down into reusable blocks or components) headless content management system. It provides developers with an easy-to-use content management interface and robust APIs for data transmission to the front-end.

Key Features:

  • Visual Editor
  • Composable Content Blocks
  • Image Service
  • App Directory
  • Field Level Internationalization

2. Strapi

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Strapi is an open-source, fully- customizable, developer-centric, 100% JavaScript-powered headless CMS. It enables developers to build content APIs to retrieve and deliver data efficiently.

It offers a high level of customization, allowing you to easily adjust the content management panel, making it a user-friendly development platform. Also, it has a wide range of development tools to enable developers easily integrate their favorite front-end frameworks and databases.

In addition, it offers a hosting service called Strapi Cloud to deploy projects in the cloud. It is popular for those who want a comprehensive content management platform.

Key Features

  • Content Modeling
  • User-friendly Admin Panel
  • Open Source
  • API-Driven Content Delivery
  • Strapi Cloud

3. Contentful

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Contentful is a cloud-based content management system (CMS) that leverages the power of AWS in the back end and is built using modern cloud technologies, microservices, and APIs for maximum efficiency and scalability.

Also, The UI of the platform offers a diverse range of content editing, management, organization, and content modeling tools. Besides an intuitive interface, it boasts features for localization, translation, replication, and user management, which enhance the efficiency of working with back-end data.

Key Features

  • Built-in Orchestration
  • Composable Commerce
  • Ability to deliver tailored and relevant content to individual users
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Content Rescheduling

4. Sanity
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Sanity is an open-source headless content management system (CMS) that comes with Sanity Studio for the management of users, assets, and data. With the ability to customize the interface, developers can tap into their creativity and work at a fast pace to accomplish their tasks effectively.

Furthermore, it offers an API that can seamlessly listen to data changes in real time, allowing for instant updates which reflect in the live app. As a result, This makes it ideal for use cases such as a breaking news website, real-time state updates in multiplayer games, and other scenarios where up-to-the-minute content is crucial, making it a “real-time” headless CMS.

Key Features

  • Reusable Content
  • Automated Publishing
  • Sanity Studio
  • Content Lake
  • Real-time Data Store

This article offers a comprehensive guide to headless content management systems, which are undoubtedly gaining popularity.

Although traditional CMSs do not provide the same level of flexibility as a headless content management system, they can reduce the workload of developing separate content for different platforms.

So, if you want to transition to a headless ecosystem and utilize technologies like React, Angular, Next.js, Gatsby, and Vue.js in your front end, feel free to contact us to learn how to get started.

Top comments (6)

ako61142833 profile image
Ako61142833 • Edited

Great read on the rise and benefits of headless CMS! 👏 While headless is all the rage, let's not forget about Git-based CMS as another compelling alternative. It offers version control à la Git, making collaboration and content revisions a breeze. Plus, it's a neat fit for devs already comfortable with Git workflows.

So, if you're looking for a CMS that plays nice with your code while giving you the flexibility to choose your front-end tech, Git-based CMS( might just be your jam. 🎸 Worth considering in the ever-expanding CMS universe! 🌌

brilworks_soft profile image
Brilworks Software

Glad you liked it! Thanks for your input.

ndaidong profile image
Dong Nguyen • Edited

Thanks for a great article, especially the comparison between traditional and modern CMSs. However it would be a big mistake to talk about Headless CMS without mentioning Directus and Pocketbase

brilworks_soft profile image
Brilworks Software

Glad you liked it! Thanks for your feedback.

matfrana profile image
Matteo Frana

For a headless CMS with true visual editing, based on React components, have a look also at React Bricks.

brilworks_soft profile image
Brilworks Software

Thanks for your input.