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Vikas Singh for Brilworks

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Beyond the Basics: Advanced Ecommerce Personalization with AWS

Personalization has become a crucial part of marketing today. Some people see it as platform optimization, while others view it as one of the activities to boost sales. Website personalization provides each visitor with a unique experience. For example, when you open a popular site like Facebook, Instagram, or Netflix, These platforms show you content you are likely interested in.
These brands can deeply understand their customers' behavior and preferences by reading their habits, likes, and dislikes. To create a personalized feed, these companies measure visitors' viewing history and habits.
Also, it can have some impact on customer retention.
According to McKinsey's report, personalization can reduce customer retention costs by more than 50%. For example, sending emails with personalized subject lines to your customers can increase their likelihood of being opened.
This article will teach about e-commerce personalization and how businesses can use AWS services to enhance customer experiences.

What is E-commerce Personalization?

E-commerce personalization is when a brand transforms its online platform from a one-size-fits-all approach into a dynamic platform. Let's understand this with an example. Imagine you own an e-commerce store, and one group of visitors is interested in buying a smartphone while another group is interested in fashion.

Now, if you provide both groups with the same homepage, one group might need to put in extra effort to find items of their interest. However, tailoring the platform to give visitors a unique experience can make their journey smoother.

In such cases, you can analyze users' browsing patterns and actions to develop a personalized platform.

It will significantly improve the user experience. Also, it can boost sales and help with user retention to a great extent.
Today, shoppers crave experiences that reflect their unique tastes. E-commerce platforms that provide this personal touch are combined with omnichannel personalization.

Omnichannel Personalization ensures that the tailored experience extends across various touchpoints—through a website, mobile app, email, or in-store interactions. Businesses can build a more delightful personal platform by adding personalization across different channels.

E-Commerce Personalization With AWS

Data is the most crucial asset in today's world, but many businesses need more infrastructure to utilize it properly. AWS provides several services for different needs, whether you want to store or host the data or run complex computational tasks.

You can use many tools with AI/ML capabilities to build a personalized platform. Personalization has come a long way. Basic personalization has some limits, like grouping customers by their demographics, past purchases, and browsing habits. With this, you will have only a limited view.

However, you can take personalization to a higher level with AWS services. These services help you get better insights to offer more relevant and tailored experiences.

You can start with customer profiling. Customer profiling is creating detailed information about customers to build a platform that provides a unique experience to each customer.
Amazon Personalize, SageMaker, and RedShift can be used to profile customers.

You can even go beyond this by combining and analyzing data from social media, website interactions, and IoT devices. This will help you fine-tune your personalization work.
Furthermore, you can analyze all this data in real time with AWS Lambda and Kinesis. These tools allow you to continuously track customer behavior and quickly build product recommendations and marketing campaigns.

What's more, you can create predictive models using Amazon SageMaker, which can help predict customer preferences, churn risks, and purchase intent. Combining all these services, you can build a next-gen e-commerce platform in the cloud.

Additionally, you can use artificial intelligence to speed up this process and cut costs significantly. For instance, Amazon Comprehend has built-in AI capabilities that can quickly analyze your product reviews, social media comments, and customer support interactions.
Using artificial intelligence to build recommendations is also an intelligent choice.
By integrating AI, you can make your recommendation engine even more powerful. However, personalization isn't just about product recommendations; it's about creating a journey where the customer sees only relevant products and services rather than manually searching through different sections.
Dynamic pricing can also be a very effective strategy.

By analyzing customer purchase behavior, you can offer different pricing options. You can use AWS Lambda to do this.

E-Commerce Personalization with AWS [with Example]

Let's explore how an e-commerce owner can shape a personalized shopping experience with AWS.
Customers who visit an e-commerce platform may perform various actions (also called events). Events are essential as they reflect customers' intent. By going over these events, you can polish the shopping experience. For example, if a customer keeps browsing electronics, it indicates that they're interested, even if they have not made a purchase.

An Example of Personalizing E-Commerce with AWS

Picture this: you run a restaurant business and are looking to improve your digital platform by improving customer experience. Here's how you can do it.
Start with collecting data. AWS offers a powerful tool—Amazon Kinesis Data Streams – for this.
Here's how you can leverage it: When a customer visits your online store and performs actions (or events happen). Amazon Kinesis can capture these events. It can record millions of events.

Then, you can connect this service further with AWS Lambda. As a result, you can constantly monitor the Kinesis Data Streams in real time for new events.

For example, a customer orders, and you want to offer the best deal. First, Amazon Kinesis will capture the events in real time. Let's say the customer adds a product to their cart. You can provide a better deal by capturing this information and putting AWS Lambda to work.

In this scenario, AWS Lambda will read the events from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and match them based on the items in the cart. The Lambda function then processes these events and retrieves your current promotions from Amazon DynamoDB.
You can cache recent or popular promotions to speed up response times and enhance the customer experience.

To do this, you can simply use a service: Amazon DynamoDB DAX. Here, you can cache frequently accessed promotions or items.

What if the customer adds the product to the cart but doesn't check out? In this case, you can use Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Pinpoint is a marketing communication service used to run scheduled campaigns.

You can send customer reminders through phone, SMS, in-app notifications, or email. Furthermore, you can send them customized offers like "free XYZ product" with their new order. You can send these promotions over email.

You can also measure how well your campaigns are performing. You can store data in Amazon S3 and analyze it using Amazon Athena. You can run SQL queries on the S3 data using Athena. It's serverless, so there's no need to manage infrastructure.

In Amazon QuickSight, you have several visualization options. One approach is to use S3 as a data lake and load the data into SPICE (Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine) to enhance performance.

Alternatively, you can connect directly to the data source; however, if you need faster visualizations, it is better to import data into SPICE.

Once your data is in SPICE, you can explore QuickSight's dashboard. You'll find various charts, tables, and options like drill-downs and filters for more interactive features.

Challenges and Considerations

Advanced personalization is an excellent option to boost sales and generate more revenue, but it's challenging. When analyzing data, it is essential to be careful about privacy. And let's not forget the tech side – it's not a walk in the park.

We need experts to make it work smoothly. Overdoing it can be a turn-off, so it's all about finding the right balance.

Best Practices

Use Reliable Data
Start with accurate, consistent, and accessible data. Good data is crucial for creating personalized experiences that work well. Without it, even the best systems won't be effective.

Set Clear Goals
Decide what you want to achieve with personalization, such as boosting sales or improving customer satisfaction. With a clear objective, you can focus and ensure that the efforts you are making align with your business objectives.

Test and Improve
Personalization should be continuously tested and refined. Regularly check different methods, analyze performance, and adjust based on what you learn. This helps you stay updated with customer preferences and improve your strategies.

Enhance Customer Experience
Ensure that personalization improves the customer experience without overwhelming it. Build a platform that is smooth to interact with.

Build a Skilled Data Team
Invest in a talented data science team to create and manage your personalization strategies. They can turn complex data into valuable insights and ensure your efforts are based on solid analysis and technology.

Role of AWS in E-commerce: A Deeper Look
E-commerce giants face significant challenges with their extensive product catalogs, millions of customers, and high-traffic websites. Cloud computing, especially with AWS, has changed how they tackle these issues.
It helps them build a platform with limitless scalability. This is why big companies efficiently handle traffic spikes during busy times. Cloud infrastructure lets platforms quickly scale up to handle the load and then scale down when traffic drops.

Flexibility is also key. E-commerce constantly changes with new products, marketing strategies, and customer preferences. Cloud-based systems allow businesses to adapt quickly, try new ideas, and launch features or services more efficiently.
Cloud is cheaper or expensive? Well, it depends from one company to another. However, it saves business owners from significant upfront investments in hardware and maintenance. AWS uses a pay-as-you-go model, so businesses only pay for what they use. As a result, you can reduce the investment when a season sale is live.

Many e-commerce giants need global reach to serve customers in different countries and regions. AWS offers a global network of data centers so companies can deliver fast, low-latency experiences worldwide.
Data Management and Analytics are essential for improving e-commerce operations. E-commerce generates a lot of data, from customer behavior to inventory levels. Cloud-based services enable businesses to analyze data and improve operations.

Examples of E-commerce Giants Relying Heavily on AWS:

Here are some examples of e-commerce giants that rely heavily on AWS:
Amazon: As the owner of AWS, Amazon uses its cloud technology to support its huge e-commerce operation.
Walmart: Walmart invests in cloud technology, including AWS, to improve its online shopping and compete with Amazon.
eBay: eBay uses AWS to manage its global operations, including product listings, auctions, and payments. This helps keep its marketplace running smoothly.
Lyft: As a ride-sharing service, Lyft relies on real-time data processing and analysis to efficiently match riders with drivers.
Netflix: Netflix, the streaming giant, leverages AWS from content delivery and storage to recommendation engines.
Airbnb: Airbnb uses AWS to manage its global operations. AWS provides the tools and infrastructure to support Airbnb's rapid growth, from listing management and payment processing to customer support.

The Future of Personalization

Technology is growing rapidly, and so is personalization. New trends like augmented reality, virtual reality, and voice commerce are changing how we customize experiences. As these technologies develop, they offer fresh ways to engage with customers. Augmented reality (AR) lets people interact with digital elements in the real world. For example, with AR technology, customers can virtually try products from their homes.

On the other hand, virtual reality (VR) takes this a step further. Businesses can use VR to create unique experiences, like virtual tours or interactive product demonstrations.
Voice commerce is another exciting trend. With smart speakers and voice assistants, customers can shop by speaking commands. This way, they can search for products easily and quickly.

AWS, or Amazon Web Services, provides the tools necessary for these advancements. AWS offers cloud computing services that support AR, VR, and voice commerce. This means businesses can use AWS to implement these technologies and personalize their offerings.
Advanced personalization through these technologies helps businesses connect more deeply with their customers. It also boosts sales by creating tailored experiences that meet individual needs and preferences.

Final Words: Measuring and Refining Personalization Efforts

In this blog, we have discussed how companies can leverage different AWS services to develop personalized experiences. Personalization is crucial for any business to succeed. However, effective personalization needs ongoing monitoring and optimization.

It includes going over the strategies used to give a personal touch to the platform. AWS provides plenty of tools, from A/B testing to examining different approaches. For example, you can use AWS CloudFront to route traffic to different versions of your website or app for these tests.

For tracking there are so many options available. With these services, you can track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). To make it more effective, Incorporating Feedback Loops to refine your strategies. Use Amazon Comprehend to analyze customer reviews and support tickets for insights and improvements. This process ensures that personalization stays effective and meets customer needs.

In this article, we have walked you through a simple guide to building a personalized e-commerce experience by providing an example of how to develop it. Whether it is about e-commerce optimization and implementing AI/ML capabilities, AWS offers a wealth of services to handle unpredicted traffic surges and deliver personalized recommendations and services.
With many use cases transforming the e-commerce space, AWS is a top choice among the world's renowned e-commerce platforms. If you want to enhance your existing eCommerce platform, look no further. As a leading AWS consulting agency, we offer AWS consulting and development services to help businesses innovate and solve their key challenges using the cloud.

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