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Discussion on: Why I Converted from Vue to React

brettfishy profile image
Brett Fisher

Hey neoan, I appreciate the feedback! I probably ought to be clearer about what I mean by "magic". I could see why someone may think of JSX as magic - what's all this HTML doing in my JS code? One of the most "magical" things I found about Vue but didn't touch on in this article was the properties that plugins attach to this. For example, Vuetify creates the $vuetify property. There have been multiple times when I've been looking at my company's code and had to do a double take when I see global properties like that, unsure if it was native to Vue or coming from some third party or in-house plugin.

I actually am a big fan of Vuetify and think it's a lot more intuitive to get started with than Material UI. But for React in general, I like its lack of "magic" variables. Everything used in a React file is imported. Going back to Vuetify, the $vuetify object has some pretty great methods on it, especially for breakpoints, but I will have to say I prefer Material UI's method of handling breakpoints. It just feels more declarative. That's only one example, of course, but overall I like how I almost never have to guess where any piece of code is coming from in React. This has been a huge plus for me when working with large code bases at the companies I've worked for.

sroehrl profile image

To be clear, I am not making the argument that there isn't a lot of magic in Vue. However, at the end of the day a vue-component is valid markup and JSX simply isn't. That is why you will never be able to run a React component using JSX without compiling. It's the opposite of pure JavaScript.

As for vuetify:
Again, I think you shouldn't compare a wrapper like that (shall we call it a framework-framework?) with pure React. React has similar wrappers to simplify (and therefore magicify) loading.

And again, I am not claiming that Vue doesn't dip into the magic cookbook a lot. It is not intuitive to assume that something you declare in data() to be magically available directly in "this". It's something you need to learn/read.