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Brett Cooper
Brett Cooper

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5 Tips to Increase Clicks Per Second Rate

Have you ever been in a situation where you're playing your favorite game and the computer beats you? You get frustrated, stop playing, and start to think of another plan.

Every gamer knows the importance of Clicks Per Second. You need to be able to click at a rate that will maximize your CPS rate. This is why it is important to train your fingers, hands, and wrists for this task. Here are 5 tips you can follow in order to increase your clicks per second rate.

1. Practice clicking

Use Clicks Per Second Test to practice your clicks per second. The website features a variety of drills and games to train you how to click faster.

When you're playing your favorite game, start clicking as much as possible. Don't worry about accuracy or speed at first; just focus on getting used to the motion of clicking the mouse button.

Once it becomes too easy for you, increase your speed by a small amount and practice some more. Repeat this process until you feel like there's no way to go any faster without sacrificing accuracy. This is when things get really fun because that means that if can click even faster than before.

Keep in mind that you don't want to sacrifice accuracy for speed. It's important to be able to hit your targets as accurately as possible so that you don't waste any time or clicks. The best way to find a balance between speed and accuracy is by practicing regularly.

If you're having trouble with your accuracy, try using a different mouse or increasing the DPI on your current mouse. This will help give you more precision when clicking and make it easier to hit your targets.

2. Use a mouse with a higher DPI:

Mouse with a higher DPI
This is a setting that you can change on most mice these days. The higher the DPI, the more accurate your mouse will be. This means that if you have a mouse with a high DPI, you won't need to worry about accuracy as much when clicking.

You can find this setting by going into your Control Panel and looking for Mouse Properties. Once there, look for the pointer speed section and increase the DPI until it feels comfortable for you. Just make sure that you don't set it too high or else your cursor will start moving around too fast on the screen.

If you're using a laptop, there's a good chance that your mouse doesn't have as many DPI settings as a regular mouse. In this case, you can try to use an external mouse that has a higher DPI setting. This will help give you more accuracy when clicking and make it easier to hit your targets.

This is especially important if you plan on playing fps games or any other game where speed is essential. Increasing the DPI on your mouse will help improve your clicks per second rate and allow you to compete with the best of them.

When choosing a new mouse, be sure to look for one that has a high DPI. That way you will be able to play at your best and compete with the top gamers in the world.

3. Adjust the mouse sensitivity

Adjust the mouse sensitivity
This is similar to changing your DPI but it's not exactly the same thing. Your mouse sensitivity determines how fast or slow you move across the screen when moving your mouse around. This should only be used if there are no other options available for increasing accuracy, like using a higher DPI setting on your mouse.

There are two main settings that determine what happens when you move your mouse: Pointer Speed and Sensitivity. Pointer speed controls the movement of the cursor while adjusting sensitivity will change how much distance needs to be covered in order to get from one side of the screen to another.

4. Change your hand position:

Change your hand position
This is another way to help improve your clicks per second rate. By changing your hand position, you'll be able to move your mouse more quickly and easily. There are a few different positions that you can try out in order to find the one that works best for you.

One popular hand position is called the Claw Grip. This is where you hold the mouse with your palm facing down and use your fingers to control the cursor. You should also be resting your thumb on top of the mouse button so it's ready to be clicked at any time.

Another common grip is known as the Palm Grip. In this position, you hold the mouse in your palm with your fingers wrapped around it like a claw. This gives you more stability when moving the mouse across the screen, allowing you to click more quickly.

The third common grip is called the Tip Grip. This requires a little bit of a learning curve because it's not as popular as other grips but can be very effective once mastered. In this position, your fingers are on top of the buttons while using your thumb to control movement. You should also have full control over all four side buttons since they'll need to be used in order for you to hit certain targets throughout your games and videos.

Try each grip out at least once before deciding which one feels most comfortable for you! You might find that certain styles work better or worse depending on what kind of game you're playing so being able to change up your play style will give you a major advantage.

5. Try not to use your right hand for mousing:

Try not to use your right hand for mousing
This one is a little bit harder to do but can be very beneficial in the long run. If you're right-handed, try using your left hand for mousing instead. This will help improve your accuracy and speed when clicking since your dominant hand won't be getting in the way.

It might take some time to get used to using your left hand for everything but it's definitely worth it in the end. Not only will you see an improvement in your clicks per second rate, but you'll also become a more ambidextrous person which can come in handy for other tasks outside of gaming.

In order to make this change, you'll need to start by re-training your muscles. This means that you'll have to use your left hand for all of the activities that you would normally use your right hand for. This includes using the mouse, typing, opening doors, and even brushing your teeth!

It's going to be tough in the beginning but if you can stick with it, you'll see a major improvement in your gaming skills.


These are five tips that you can use to increase your clicks per second rate. By adjusting your mouse settings, hand position, and using your non-dominant hand, you'll be able to improve your accuracy and speed when clicking.

These changes might take some time to get used to but they're definitely worth it in the end. Not only will you see an improvement, but your overall gaming skills are sure to improve too. You can share your screenshots and how you perform in the CPS Test in this Minecraft forum thread.

Each of these tips are easy to follow and can be implemented into your gaming routine right away.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What's the best way to increase my clicks per second rate?

There are a few different ways that you can increase your clicks per second rate. By adjusting your mouse settings, hand position, and using your non-dominant hand, you'll be able to improve your accuracy and speed when clicking.

What is a good clicks per second rate?

As per data collected by, A good clicks per second rate is around 4-7 CPS. However, some people can click up to 23 or even 30 CPS. It all depends on your skill level and how comfortable you are with a mousing.

How can I improve my accuracy when clicking?

One way to improve your accuracy when clicking is by adjusting your hand position. Another way to improve your accuracy is by using your non-dominant hand.

What's the best grip for mousing?

There are a few different grips that you can use when mousing. The most common grips are the claw grip, the palm grip, and the tip grip. Try each one out and see which one feels most comfortable for you!

Should I use my right hand or left hand for mousing?

You can use either your right hand or left hand for mousing. However, using your left hand can be beneficial in the long run as it will improve your accuracy and speed when clicking.

What is Drag Clicking?

Drag clicking is a method of clicking where you drag your finger across the mouse button. This creates friction between your finger and the button, which causes the switch to press down multiple times. This lets your game register several clicks instead of just one.

What is Jitter Clicking?

Jitter clicking is a technique that can be used to improve your clicks per second rate. When you jitter-click, your hand is basically vibrating, but hard enough to click the mouse. You want your finger to touch the left click button, but your wrist to be lifted off of the mouse slightly. It cannot be in a relaxed position.

What is the Kohi Click Test?

The Kohi Click Test is a tool that can help you measure your clicks per second rate. This test measures how many times you can click in one second. You simply start the timer and then start clicking as fast as you can. When the timer runs out, it will tell you how many clicks you registered in that second.

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