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Discussion on: Master Frontend Development πŸ’» By Cloning These Websites πŸ’―

bpellicer profile image

Hey! Nice idea. But do you mean doing these webs static with only HTML and CSS or using something like React, Angular + CSS and API's??

Thx!! πŸ˜‡

hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen

Hey there ✌️ Appreciate you dropping by! Well, I think it depends on your level of experience. There is no problem with just using HTML and CSS alone πŸ‘Œ However, you may not be able to execute some of the "functionality" that is required to do so, but that is totally fine. But if you do have a framework under your belt, I'd say clone a website or two using both! Clone one with HTML and CSS, and another with a framework. Use a third party API, get mock data, get creative! So power to ya if you can use Angular! πŸ’―πŸ”₯

spock123 profile image
Lars Rye Jeppesen • Edited

Impossible now to work with frameworks that don't have Typescript, Rxjs and Observables built in.. it feels so dated to work with promises now

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hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen

I'd say learning typescript is worth it! It also stands out amongst job candidates. Maybe look into Vite, by Evan You. It's an extremely fun frontend tool, that allows you to switch from .js to .ts and back on the fly. No set up required. As for Promises, I think with es17 and async await is going no where soon. πŸ’―