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Jonathan Bowman
Jonathan Bowman

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Create and initialize a new Github repository from the command line

I prefer to stay on the command line when creating a new repo, rather than going back and forth between Github's web interface and the command line. Here are the steps I use when creating a new project.

Initialize local git repository

Create the project directory and ensure it is the current working directory, then

git init
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Create a .gitignore

Create a file called .gitignore with any files patterns listed that should not be included in the repository.

You can browse GitHub's gitignore examples or generate one at if you want a starting point.

For an example and additional notes, feel free to glance at my .gitignore article.

Recommended: create and LICENSE.txt files.

Create a file that describes the project. Something like this is generally appropriate, and can be adapted:

# PyGreet

PyGreet is a command-line tool that says hello to designated
recipients. It is written in Python.

## Installation

Place `` in the current working directory.

## Usage


## Contributing

Please open an issue to suggest greetings other than "Hello"
or recipients other than "World".

## License

[Apache 2.0](
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Choose a license that is appropriate for your project and create a LICENSE.txt file, pasting the license text into it.

Add files to repository and commit

After running git status, does the list of untracked files look right? If not, add/edit/remove as you like, and tweak your .gitignore file. Once you are ready, add everything at once with

git add .
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Of course, run git status again. (This command should become a nervous tick. Run it when you are bored, confused, or sleeping.) If all is well, run the first commit:

git commit -m "feat: Initial commit of project structure, license, and readme."
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The "feat" keyword indicates that the type of commit is a new feature, as opposed to a "fix", "docs", "test", "refactor", etc.

Yeah, there are style guides for git commits. I particularly like the one from Udacity. Tim Pope's guidance from 2008 is still relevant, as well.

Sidebar: set up Github personal access token for authentication

To make GitHub API calls, authentication is necessary. To securely and easily authenticate, create a personal access token in GitHub Settings. First, make sure you are logged in and then click on your profile picture, selecting "Settings":

GitHub Settings

Then, on the left, select "Developer Settings":

Github Developer Settings

Select "Personal Access Tokens" and "Generate new token", labeling it accordingly. For my use, I just need "repo" permissions.

Copy that personal token, because you will not see it again. Place it in your password manager or other encrypted location.

Create a new public GitHub repository

curl -u USER -d '{"name":"NEW_REPO_NAME","private":false}'
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Substitute your GitHub username (USER) and your desired repository name (NEW_REPO_NAME) in the appropriate places above. Use your GitHub personal access token as the password when prompted. You should receive back a pile of JSON.

Wanted a private repo instead? You know what to do. See the GitHub API docs for more info.

Find the "clone_url" or the "ssh_url" (preferred if you are set up to use SSH with GitHub) from that JSON blob, and copy out the URL value. It should look something like or

Push new repository to Github

Using the URL we snagged above, add the remote repository as the origin:

git remote add origin CLONE_URL
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Then rename the master branch to main. Easy to do. The right thing to do.

git branch -m master main
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Finally, push the main branch to remote:

git push -u origin main
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Check out your newly populated repo in GitHub, and happy coding!

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