DEV Community

5 tips I wish I knew as a junior developer

Mario Loncarek on January 31, 2022

Here are some tips for junior developers or everyone who just started taking interest in becoming professional in the area, but especially for thos...
jamesthomson profile image
James Thomson

Couldn't agree more. Work smarter, not harder. Burn out is real and it sucks the life out of the joy of dev work. You're much more productive in the long term working at a normal pace than you are working OT everyday and grinding away for months.

renatoruk profile image
Renato Ruk • Edited

Practical, concise and realistic approach. Hard work and consistency always win over talent, at least in my book. Good things take time. Bravo for the article, I liked it a lot!

marioloncarek profile image
Mario Loncarek

Thank you Renato for being one of the mentors on my path. Will never forget the effort!

renatoruk profile image
Renato Ruk

You're welcome Mario, it was an honor. Thank you for being such a hard-working individual! Your effort and persistence is inspiring.

siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Exactly. Actually, I wish I had found work/life balance when I was junior. Every time I was burn myself, it took weeks (sometimes months) to gain motivation and restore peak performance.

freddymichael profile image

Man oh man oh man.

I tell this myself ahead of time and then I’m always like in a hurry because I want time to move faster but in all honesty I don’t want to get older. Good article, good read to. Ima favorite this.

Thanks for the share.

siy profile image
Sergiy Yevtushenko

Instead of Stop thinking that you already know everything. I'd say Be sure - you know nothing and soak up knowledge as sponge. :)

codewithyaku profile image

I believe many other devs may critic this article because of the work ethics that a junior needs to develop before he can become a senior engineer. To be honest my opinion is that sometimes you gonna have to go through those burnouts before you can really master the skill of being a senior developer. It's hard especially with the demanding nature of our current evolving technology, however most of the success stories they all involve some level of sacrifice to be achieved

marioloncarek profile image
Mario Loncarek

I decided not to answer any comments because some of my opinions are not suited for everyone so there would be no meaning in explaining myself to each person, but your comment is on point with what i tried to say so thanks for that.

energeticpixels profile image
Anthony Jackman


valeriavg profile image

Most of these are valid for all developer levels! Spot on 👍

franakimiles profile image
Franakimiles • Edited

When assembling a dedicated software team, make sure you choose professionals who have a background in the field of expertise that your business requires. Having multiple tech experts on your team is not a good idea. You want to have people with the right expertise to meet your needs and provide guidance. Having these individuals in the team will ensure seamless knowledge transfer. The best teams will work together in a way that benefits all parties. In addition, they'll be less likely to become frustrated if you don't follow their instructions.

vishal_naik profile image
Vishal Naik

i like it

kwing25 profile image
Kendra Wing

Great article! Really good advice. As a junior developer myself I know the challenges. I've really been trying to connect with other Developers to get help. Any advice for finding a mentor?

leetickett profile image
Lee Tickett

Contributing to a big open source project might be one way to get mentorship from outside your organization.

I've been contributing to GitLab for a few years and the team there (and certain individuals) have taught me more than I could ever imagine.

smeetsmeister profile image
Jelle Smeets

Great lessons! They will definitely help you as a developer. Thanks for sharing!

invalidlenni profile image

I have already read this article. Very interesting and very good! Thanks. 😊

maryhale profile image
Mary Hale

The debate between traditional education and self-taught paths in programming continues to be a relevant and engaging discussion. In the realm of self-education, online learning platforms have become invaluable resources for aspiring programmers. I'd like to share an article that highlights the various online platforms available that offers learners a wide array of choices. Your post explores the pros and cons of different educational routes and gives more options and adaptability in the pursuit of knowledge and skills.