DEV Community


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Where are the game dev posts on here?

Now this is a title little leading because I'm aware of the #gamedev tag

Stick with me though

Lookup #gamedev #discuss

You might notice that they're almost all from years ago

Where are the people talking?
I like this site for the discussions, as few and far between as they are, right now it just feels like a worse and less established Medium

Are there any other good sites for this I have totally missed? Other developer specific social media aside from forums?

Top comments (1)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I suspect the issue is that DEV is heavily skewed towards web development. It's kind of naturaly, almost all developer resources that get "big" are, because there's no real barrier to entry for web dev.

Also, the search on DEV isn't... great. It often still doesn't show matches with the word in the title when you enter a manual query for example.

That said... if you don't see a lot of char, start talking about it yourself and see who joins in!