What would you do to get hired, Litecode or work on projects?
To me, it seems to be the exploitation vs exploration tradeoff. You can specialize and become very good at solving algorithmic challenges. You can even get hired for this in FAANG.
However, building projects and solving your problems with the software will be more rewarding in the long game. It will teach you the experience needed to build and maintain projects as well as you are going to have an opportunity to make money out of it. đź’° It'll be easier for you to answer technical questions at the interviews since you will talk about challenges you encountered when working on your project.
As you will be working on your projects, you are likely to run into problems that will require some algorithmic solution. No worries, you will learn how to solve those once you start Googling and researching how to do what you want to do.
TLDR: Litecode will teach you one thing, working on your own projects will teach you many.
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