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Bob Matcuk
Bob Matcuk

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Debugging Rust with rust-lldb

This is a quick and dirty primer to debugging rust applications with rust-lldb.

Start the Debugger

Assuming you are using cargo to build your executable, the first problem you'll run into is that you cannot debug target/debug/BIN; instead, you need to debug target/debug/deps/BIN-HASH where BIN is the name of your program, and HASH is a random hash... you'll probably have a ton of builds in the deps directory; just use the latest (something like ls -lt target/debug/deps/BIN-* should help you find the latest).

If you're trying to debug an example program, they'll live under target/debug/examples/BIN - no hash nonsense.

Ok, now you can start the debugger:

rust-lldb target/debug/deps/BIN-HASH -- arg1 arg2 ...
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Where arg1 arg2 ... are command line arguments to your application. If your application needs no arguments you can just leave them off.


You are now in the lldb debugger. You'll probably want to set some breakpoints before your program starts: you do that with the breakpoint set command (shorthand: b). There are lots of ways to set your breakpoint (specific file and line number, function name, etc). Type help breakpoint set to see documentation. The shorthand, b, actually accepts a simpler syntax from which it will guess the right thing to do. For example:

breakpoint set --name func
b func
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These two commands will do the same thing. So will:

breakpoint set -f src/path/to/ -l linenr
b src/path/to/
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run help b to see the simplified syntax.

You can see a list of your breakpoints with breakpoint list. There are additional things you can do with breakpoints: see help breakpoint.


Once you've set your breakpoints, you can start the program with run (shortcut r). Execution will continue until a breakpoint is hit or the program ends (intentionally or not).

Examining Program State

Ok, so your program is running and it hits a breakpoint. Now what? You'll probably want to examine the state of your program to get an idea of what's going on. Here are some commands to get you started:

frame variable will show you all the variables in the current "frame"; ie, variables in scope.

expression <expr> (shortcut expr or just p) will execute <expr> and display the result. This can be used to examine the value of a variable or execute some code to see what the result is.

You may have noticed when execution first paused that a listing of your code is shown, pointing to the current line that execution paused on. You can get that listing back with list (shortcut l).

n will "step over" the current line, ie, the current line will execute and then the program will pause again.

s will "step into" the current line, ie, the innermost function will be called and execution will pause at the start of that function.

c will continue execution until another breakpoint is reached or the program exits.

Finally, if you're debugging a program that interops with another language (ffi), it might be useful to examine specific memory addresses. That can be done with x <addr>. This will show a hex-dump of memory at that address.

Some Other Helpful Things

If you would normally invoke your program by piping something into stdin (ie, cat file.txt | my-program), you won't be able to do that when running your program under rust-lldb. Instead, run rust-lldb with your program (ie, rust-lldb my-program) and then run:

settings set target.input-path <path-to-file>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


This is just barely scratching the surface of debugging. lldb is very powerful; judicious use of help is encouraged. But hopefully this little primer will get you started!

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