DEV Community

Bryce Blilie
Bryce Blilie

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WFH tips & tricks

From 2009 to 2013 I worked from home for a software company based in Newfoundland Canada. Some 1300 miles away, a days worth of flights, and 2 and 1/2 (yes 1/2) hours of timezone difference. I was also the only one working remote as all of my other colleagues were in the office.

We tried a few different setups, including leaving a camera on in a cubicle that was in a constant skype call with my camera essentially making it like you could just sit down in front of me at a desk. It turned out to be a little creepy though, because I couldn't always see the people who could see me.

But the hardest part was dialing into a conference room and having to try and listen to the main conversation while every cough, bump and table tap would overpower the speakerphone mic.

The best conferences were when all the participants were online, AND had their cameras on. It was awkward at first, but became natural after a few days time.

Email and instant messaging was my lifeline. The phone was fine but was usually just with one person and felt more formal than a hallway conversation.

It was important that we all got to have some in person time once and awhile as well. We'd have company parties and all get drunk and it of course served to bond us and create lasting memories.

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