Alot of people complains that they finds it hard to learn and master a programming language.
The truth is, programming languages are hard to learn.
But there's a way, a route to learn any programming language as easy as writing A,B,C ( though not for everyone ).
So without much Ado, let's get started on how you can learn a programming language faster.
1) Leaning one at a time:
Many people rushes to learn numerous languages without getting perfect on the ones they started with.
It's adviced that you you master a programming language before jumping to another, with this method, you are as good as a professional cause you learnt everything about the language before choosing another.
2) Understanding the Concept:
This exactly is another important aspect of learning fast.
Imagine being asked to solve an algebraic expression, you went home and crammed the formulas rather than learning how it works.
Ok the day of testing (examination), you will surely not get it all right caused you definitely cannot store those formulas on your memory. You aren't a computer for God sake!!
But there's a way out, learning and understanding the concepts.
What if you study those formulas rather than trying to memorize them?
You're sure to become a better programmer if you know the nooks and crannies of a programming language. And how's that possible? It's by knowing how it works!
You can't just answer that 2+2=4 without finding out what it how exactly made the answer to become 4.
The moment you learn to understand the concept of a language, youre bound to solve any problem related to it.
3) Learning Through Modifications:
Many of you might have come across this sentence. "Learning Through Modifications".
Many programmers (newbies) thinks they have mastered a language when once they can do some random stuffs with it.
They starts getting lazy, thinking they can do anything which actually on real life, they can't really do it.
The way to help that if through modifications.
Try to give yourself a challenge, an extra work.
Look for a project, set a reminder, a goal, work towards it like your life depends on it.
Challenge your self to do that project, continue with modifications and you will see thatโฆ
(a) You don't get bored while learning
(b) you are always ready to learn new stuffs cause you have realized that you aren't a pro at all
(c) you become much more humble and loyal than you were at the starting.
These helps a lot in learning something real fast.
4) Relying More on Output:
Sounds confusing right?
Some may ask, why the heck did I suggest this ?
Why not more input?
The answer is clear, take for instance, that moment the only thing you do is learn, learn learn and learn, reminisce it, do you actually feel like you've learnt anything??
But the moment you learn and implement, you become proud and know how exactly what you learn works.
Most people will always learn from time to time without either taking a rest or probably even calling it a day for the time being.
Constant reading without a nap is actually a waste of time and very dangerous to your brain.
It's stressed the brain and forces it to remember every bit of what you have been reading with might cause you more harm than good.
How to overcome it??
Read and rest (RAR).
RAR is the only way to become perfect in what you do.
You can't learn anything real fast without letting your brain absorb the ones it's had taken in previously.
With this, it stores it and makes way for new ones to fit in.
Learn, rest, wake up and try to implement what you've learnt.
Build prohects based on what you've learnt.
That's actually the best way to learn anything real quick.
Any successful programmer relies more on the output than the input.
It's only the input that motivates you to do more.
5) Passion:
The list wouldn't have been complete without this. Passion is a driving force that tends to push programmers to learn, implement and be successful on their chosen field.
When you have a strong Passion, a love for something, nothing, I mean nothing can ever stop you from trying to achieve that thing.
Forgive me if I tell you that if you aren't passionate about your profession, then you are likely not happy doing it no matter the profit you make from it.
6) Dedication:
An alternative to Passion. Am not surprised that 90% of people venturing into programming and developing now are in for profits.
A lot doesn't care much about Passion. They believe that programmers are highly paid and respected in some countries.
They want to partake in that attributes.
They want to be known and so dedication is what drives them to learn real quick in other for them to achieve their aim.
They won't be getting anywhere if they haven't got the passion or aren't dedicated.
You can't be a pro if you aren't dedicated or focused on your work.
It's not possible!
That's why people look into the goals, the advantages ahead of them to keep themselves up and doing and stay motivated so as not to fall off the grid.
If you can apply this six (6) essential methods to your learnings, believe me, you will likely know everything.
Stay tuned for another update.
**Alwell Ogolo Sokari
Top comments (1)
Thanks a dozen for this I'm just starting to learn coding and this is mighty helpful for me!