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Cover image for Interaction Between FTP Server and client
Zephaniah Joshua
Zephaniah Joshua

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Interaction Between FTP Server and client

Photo by panumas nikhomkhai from Pexels

The client sends a Passive[PASV] commands to the server which invokes passive modes
The server responds with a 227 code with IP address and port of data socket
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The client sends a retrieve[RETR] command plus, the name of the file to be retrieved
If the client is authorised to access the file the server sends a 150 code[request is successful and the file is about to be transferred]
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Now to establish the connection to be used connection the client sends an SYC[synchronise] command
The server replies with an acknowledgement and so does the client
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The server sends part of the file and the client acknowledges it and this continues until the whole file is received.
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Thanks for reading please leave comments of suggestions or contact me @black_strok3

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