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What is the best front-end javascript framework: Angular.js, React.js, or Vue.js?

Looking forward to the coming future, this post is a complete guide on which is a reasonably accurate solution for you: Angular vs React vs or Vue js.
We'll begin to perceive which is the best front-end javascript framework based on the significant factors mentioned below:

Angular- It is very easy and manageable to scale, all thanks to its design as well as robust CLI.
React - React calls to be more testable and therefore scalable than vue.
Vue- Vue is just behind React js and is preferred as a good choice but it lacks a list of best scaling practices, resulting in the occurrence of spaghetti code.

3rd party library adaptability

Angular- Angular Js lacks behind in the field of 3rd party library adaptability as compared to React js or Vue js. They claimsTypescript that needs type descriptions for every library.

React- Although it only works with javascript logic and not with DOM. But the DOM-based libraries are still popular and have their alternatives in React.
Vue- Vue operates for DOM and JavaScript simultaneously and is only the second because it has less framework-specific libraries that could actually be a good thing for others.

Development time
Angular- Although remaining very competitive, the volume of redundant syntax it needs to do easy things puts angular in the last place.
React- It takes much more time to set up, but then it facilitates you to begin composing an app and it makes it pretty easy to add new features.
Vue- It is very easy to set up and does not demand many modifications of syntax and that’s what people admire about it; it was intended to solve the exhaustion.

Simplicity + code length
Angular- The code length is huge and is not at all easy. Its complexity frequently creates a lot of uncertainty and angular specific 3rd party libraries and syntax.
React- It is fairly simple but it takes a long time to set up a react project.
Vue- It happens to come with prebuilt data cover and MVC model, addressing it be way more manageable to fix as compared to React and Angular.

I hope these inferences will help you decide for yourself while choosing the best front-end development javascript framework for your angular development project.

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Akash Chauhan

Angular has been gaining popularity lately as a powerful JavaScript framework. Can we consider angular for learning and businesses in 2023 ?