DEV Community

Discussion on: Instrumenting a Go service for Prometheus

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Boris Jamot ✊ /

Your post is really, really interesting (and unfairly underrated) as this kind of topic is unfortunately missing here.
People just don't care about monitoring, or maybe too few developers are pushing to production with real customers.

And the point of black box monitoring VS white box that introduces your article really worth discussing it.

I never instrumented my code, mostly because until last year I was developing in PHP and it's not that simple, but also because there's something weird in doing that: I don't want to see my code polluted with metrics calculation.

I may accept doing it if it was just technical metrics, because it wouldn't involve a lot of work. But I won't do it for business metrics as it would require a lot of code changes as soon as the product owner changes its mind.

Thus, relying on black box monitoring is, IMO, a lot more stable.