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Software Testing Basics

Testing is crucial in software development to verify applications operate as expected, meet requirements, and run reliably.

The key testing methods are:

These approaches play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of various systems and applications. Understanding and implementing these methods is essential for developers, quality assurance teams, and anyone involved in the software development lifecycle.

Each testing method serves a unique purpose, contributing to the overall goal of delivering high-performance, error-free software products.

1. Unit Testing

It validates individual code components in isolation to ensure they function properly.


2. Integration Testing

It verifies that different system components and modules interconnect and interact correctly.


3. System Testing

It evaluates the complete system against business and technical requirements. Confirms overall system functionality.


4. Load Testing

It examines system performance under anticipated peak usage levels to uncover bottlenecks.


5. Error Testing

It deliberately inputs invalid data to verify appropriate error handling and recovery.


6. Test Automation

It uses scripts to automate execution of test suites. Improves efficiency, consistency, and coverage.


It's your turn:

- How do you test your software functionality?.

- Do you highlight specific testing methods or areas of focus?.

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