DEV Community

Discussion on: 🤬 What's your opinion on Linters, Prettiers, and Testers?

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Tobias Nickel

yes, you should use them. When you just start learning to code, it is.ok to just hack something together, but the the more complex your projects become it is better to have such tools in place. Adding them to existing old projects, can be challenging, and even can be a tough decision if adding them is still worth it. I hear of projects switching from JS to TS including the tooling. It can even take as long as years to change in retrospect.

As an experienced developer, I learned the value of such tools specially in teams. you made the tag webdev and javascript. And in most of such projects today, the configuration for these tools is part if the project. with editorconfig, jslint.json and tsconfig.json.

In our projects we even enforce the usage of our tool chain with git hooks.

While sometimes it can be annoying to run these tools, as an individual, it is very good when everyone on the team uses the same formatter, tests, and linting rules. and having the tools setup saves so much time in discussions about useless things such as formatting, -> just have it, and focus on making the application better.