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Cover image for Hello-World!
Bhuvanesh Hingal
Bhuvanesh Hingal

Posted on


GitHub Actions x DEV Hackathon

My Workflow :

GitHub Actions
Greetings - Greets users who are first time contributors to the repo. (actions/starter-workflows)

Submission Category:

Maintainer Must-Haves

Yaml File or Link to Code:

Yaml File

GitHub logo BhuvaneshHingal / HELLO-WORLD

A repository for contributing a "HELLO WORLD" program in any of the programming languages you know.

A repository for contributing a "HELLO WORLD" program in any of the programming languages you know.

How to Contribute: 👨🏻‍💻

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Make any changes in your forked repo
  3. On this repo, click Pull Requests and raise a Pull Request selecting your fork on the right drop down

Questions can be asked by raising an Issue.

How to clone repo and make changes locally: ✂📋

  click on the clone button (green in colour). This gives you a copy of the project. Its now yours to play around with
  • Using git on your local machine. Do this to download the forked copy of this repo to your computer
  git clone
  • switch to the cloned folder. This can be done with Git Bash or the integrated terminal in the VSCode editor
  • Make a new branch. Your name would make a good branch because it's unique
  git checkout

Additional Resources / Info :

Tried learning about GitHub Actions and found it very impressive. This repository consists of a very simple and basic usage of GitHub Actions learnt from an existing template.

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