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Bhavik Mistry
Bhavik Mistry

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Refactoring: Enhancing Code for Better Maintainability

Code refactoring is a critical process in software development that involves restructuring existing code to improve its readability, maintainability, and efficiency without changing its external behavior. It is like renovating a house to make it more comfortable and functional without altering its appearance. In this blog post, I will take a journey through the process of refactoring a Node.js application and explore the various steps and considerations involved.

The Starting Point

To begin refactoring journey, I have a Node.js TextToHtml command line tool that converts text files (both .txt and .md) into HTML files. It's functional but could benefit from some improvements to make it cleaner and more maintainable.

Step 1: Removing Global Variables

I began my refactoring approach by getting rid of global variables. Global variables can cause name conflicts, reduce the modularity of the code, and make it harder to read. In my case, I had a global variable for the version number obtained from package.json. I replaced it with a function, getVersion(), which reads the version from the package.json file. This change improved code readability and reduced the risk of naming conflicts.

function getVersion() {
  const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf-8"));
  return packageJson.version;
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Commit Message: Refactor: Removed global version variable

Step 2: Refactoring the clearOutputDir Function

The next area of improvement was the clearOutputDir function. This function was responsible for clearing the output directory, but its implementation could be more concise. I replaced it with the more efficient fs.rmSync function to remove the directory and its contents recursively. This change not only made the code cleaner but also improved its performance.

function clearOutputDir(outputDirectory) {
  if (fs.existsSync(outputDirectory)) {
    fs.rmSync(outputDirectory, { recursive: true, force: true });

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Commit Message: Refactor the clearOutputDir function to make it more concise

Step 3: Improved Variable Naming

In this step, I focused on improving the naming of variables throughout the codebase. Descriptive variable names help developers understand the purpose and context of each variable, making the code more self-documenting.

For example, I updated variable names like inputPath, outputDir, and inputFileContent to be more descriptive of their roles and improved code readability.
Commit Message: Improve variable naming to more descriptive names

The Interactive Git Rebase

Each of these separate refactoring stages resulted in a number of distinct commits. I used an interactive Git rebase to provide a tidy and structured commit history. This process allowed us to squash the individual refactoring commits into a single commit.

To do this, I used the git rebase main -i command and marked the commits I wanted to squash. I also amended the commit message to provide a more informative summary of the changes made during the refactoring process.

Bugs and Challenges

During the refactoring process, I encountered a few challenges, but careful testing and well-structured refactoring steps helped avoid introducing new bugs. The step-by-step approach allowed us to verify that each change maintained the functionality of the application

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